"I'm sorry" I said laying my head against his chest as he wrapped his arms around me rubbing my back slowly as I held onto him, afraid to let him go thinking that he would disappear in an instant if I did. He rested his cheek against the top of my head, his arms circling around me tighter as he held me. "Please I am so sorry" I cried begging for his forgiveness knowing that Casey sent him the video from earlier. 

"It's okay baby, it's all going to be okay" he said quietly, his hand rubbing up and down my back slowly. I was enjoying the moment that was happening so much, I completely forgot that we were indeed not alone. We were in a very public parking lot having our very intimate moment with each other and I was brought back to this reality by Mark tapping Austin on the shoulder. He let go of me as he started talking to him, Casey looking at me her arms folded across her chest and her head tilted to the side as she came over to me wrapping me in a hug as she laughed with tears falling out of her eyes. 

"Girl the universe has strange ways of making things work, maybe what the both of you did tonight was a your wake up calls" she said pulling away from me and pushing my hair behind my ear as she let out a teary smile. 

"Did you know?" I asked with a laugh looking over my shoulder to make sure that he wasn't leaving me just as quick as he came back to me. 

"No honey, I had no idea. But this, this is a huge romantic gesture girly. Don't let this go unnoticed. This is more than flowers and cards, this is love. Just remember that" she said as more tears started falling out of her eyes. 

"Why are you crying?" I asked as I wiped the tears from under her eyes. 

"Because watching you two finally get together again and stop being the idiots that both of you are was the sweetest thing I have seen in a long time. Don't let your head ruin it tonight. Also, your drunk... I know your excited to see him but don't do anything stupid... for the love of God please just keep your legs closed until tomorrow" she laughed. 

I looked over at him as he was talking with Mark and Allen, some keys being exchanged between them his eyes looking up and meeting mine as he gave me a smile that sent my heart soaring right back up onto the pedestal it had for years as it started to settle itself back into its comfy little home. "I don't know tonight feels different Casey. I don't think he's going to want to take it that far even if I'm screaming for it on the inside right now" I laughed wiping at my tears. 

She pulled me back into a hug as she chuckled lightly, "good you guys definitely need to talk about a lot of things first" she smiled as the boys started to walk back over to us. Austin immediately walked over to me and I instantly wrapped my arms around him, holding him close to me still not completely convinced that this wasn't a dream that I was going to wake up from and he wasn't going to be there. He leaned down putting a reassuring kiss on the top of my head letting me know that he was here and he wasn't going anywhere. 

"Okay listen here is how this is going to work you gaggle of drunk ladies" Mark laughed as he grabbed everyone's attention. "Allen here is going to be driving the six of you back to our place" he said forming six girls into a huddle over next to Allen like a skilled elementary school gym teacher trying to break the class up into teams with their captains for a game. "And lover boy over here is going to be dropping myself and my lovely bride off before he whisks his Cinderella off to her happily ever after" he laughed giving me a wink. 

"Oh Mark shut the hell up" Casey said smacking his arm as everyone started making their way towards the respected cars. I felt my jaw drop when I saw the car that Austin was driving as he passed the keys over to Mark who opened the door for Casey helping her into the passenger side before making his way to the drivers seat. 

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