Chapter 20

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We went to the room nearby and locked the door.
“Win, Kao secure the lock. I’ll treat Mr. Klain’s wounds. Kai help me.” Jane said.
I ran towards her.
“Guys, they’re already here, trying to break the door” we heard Tay yelled.
“What should we do now?”
Suddenly Mr. Klain grabbed me by my arm.
“Kai, there are so many of them. You guys can’t fight with all of them. There’s
only one way left. And you’re the only one who can do it”
“What’s it? What should I do?” I asked eagerly.
“Take this” he gave me a stone. It was purple color, shining brightly.
“This’s a magical stone. It’ll help you to get your maximum power”
“My maximum power? What’s it?”
“Travel through the time, Kai”
I gasped. “What?”
“This’s the only way. Go to my past and take the necklace from the little version of
me. And destroy it. Kaint wouldn’t be able to do anything without it”
I took a deep breath. I saw all my friends’ eyes on me.
“If I go through the time and destroy the necklace will everything be okay?” I
“That’s the only hope I have”
“Okay, then let’s try this too” I got up with a determined face.
“Please be careful Kai” I heard my friends saying.
“Don’t worry guys” I looked at them before focusing on the stone. I fisted the
stone tightly, closing my eyes and then snapped my fingers.
When I opened my eyes, I was at somewhere that I couldn’t recognize. But with the surrounding one thing was cleared to me. That Mr. Klain is not from our world.
This place isn’t earth. The place I was at looked like a battle zone. Shooting sounds could be heard. People’s shouts’ and children’s cries were everywhere. My head started to hurt. I walked a bit away from the dangerous part. I saw a child sitting on the floor, crying. This must be him. I walked towards him.
‘Why they have to fight for every single thing? Why can’t they just talk and clear
the misunderstanding?” the little boy hiccupped. I cleared my throat, signaling my presence.
The boy was startled and turned to look at me. He instantly wiped his tears.
“Wh-who are you?” he asked.
“You’re Klain, aren’t you?” while asking I noticed that the boy had the same
necklace that I saw Mr. Klain was wearing the other day.
“Huh? How did you know? And you look weird” he said.
“Hello Klain! My name is Kai. And I came from the future”
“What are you talking about?” The little boy looked so confused. So I told him the whole story in brief. I didn’t have much time as my friends were in danger.
“You’re saying that my brother is a bad person? And why would I believe you?”
he asked. I suddenly remembered the purple stone he gave me.
“Hey look at this”
His eyes widened once he saw it.
“This belongs to my mother. Why do you have it?” he asked.
“As I told you, you gave it to me. That’s how I was able to come here. And I’ve to
destroy your necklace because my friends are in danger, including you” I said.
He was still not sure. Then I said,
“Use your powers then. Check whether I’m lying or not” I said. He looked at me
and took a deep breath. Then put his hand on my head and closed his eyes.
After a while he opened them. “Hmm... you aren’t lying. Okay, I’ll help you”
He grabbed the neckless and casted some kind of a spell into it. In front of my eyes, the beautiful necklace was destroyed into pieces. Then he sighed.
“Here, I did it”
“Thank you little Klain. You saved all of us”
Then I grabbed the purple stone and snapped my fingers.
When I got my conscious back, I was lying on school’s hospital.
“Kai, you woke up!”
“I’m so glad you’re back”
“How are you feeling now?”
I heard so many happy voices around me.
“Hey guys, what happened?” I asked.
“Everything went well. Don’t worry. After you destroyed the necklace, kaint’s
whole plan was also destroyed, along with it.”
“Ahem” Suddenly someone cleared his throat.
“Oh! Mr. Klain?”
“Kids, may I talk to Kai alone?” he asked smiling.
“Sure sir. We’ll go and bring something for you to eat Kai” they left.
“So? Did you see my world?” he asked.
“I didn’t know that you were from another world” I said.
“Well our planet had wars since I remember. My parents died from one of those.
Only I and my two brothers survived. Our big brother brought us to this world. We
lived like normal people here. I and my twin brother enrolled to a school. And our big brother worked as a teacher there. He had the power of making things disappear.
One day at the school he saw some big kids, bullying a small one. He has saved the kid multiple times but they’ve never stopped bothering him. One day when they were bullying, my brother had pushed one of the bullies. But his potential has
worked and that kid has disappeared. The school’s director back then, was so mad at my brother. He has criticized him in front of everyone and put all the blame on to his shoulder. My brother practiced his potential day and night to improve it, in order to bring that student back. And he succeeded. But that kid acted like he lost his memory after the incident. His parents blamed my brother for everything that happened and made him resign from his post. He was so sad to the point that he killed himself. My brother’s death wasn’t an accident. It was a suicide.
Kaint’s role model was our brother. After his death the other students teased us,
saying that our brother is a monster. They still blamed us for what happened to thatstudent. Kaint was so mad at everyone and he poisoned all the students. But I was
manage to control him and heal the students. Also, I erased student’s memories, so
they won’t see our brother as a monster.
“That’s why Mr. Ray couldn’t remember you?” I asked.

That’s pretty much everything. Now I’m a graduate student. I’m still friends with
super 7 classmates. They’re the best people ever I got to know about. We’re like a family. The position I got as a super 7 student was really unexpected to me. Still it was the best thing ever happened to my life.

*heh heh sooo that's it.. hope ya enjoyed it.. thank you for reading This...soo stay safe and stay happy..*

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