Chapter 26: I'm Sorry, I Forgive You

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I putting the door code as fast as possible before throwing to door out of my way as I ran in. Down the hall, turn right, a few more turns and Bradley's door! I remembered the wooden design. I didn't even hesitate and barged in.

What greeted me made my heart drop.

Bradley's bed was perfectly made. It didn't even look disturbed. I walked over tears falling down my eyes. If put my hand to the covers and it was cold. No one was sleeping in this bed.

I didn't want to face it. Accept it. Come to terms with it. I was sure it was a dream...but it wasn't. My boss, my bully, my...old friend Bradley.

Is dead.

I fell to my knees and buried my face in the covers and cried. I started to get lightheaded. My stomach began to churn. I think I'm going to be sick.

"I...I...I'm so sorry Bradley. I'm so so sorry. I forgive you. Please for give me," I cried. I could feel myself start to black out. This was too much for me.

"I'm glad to hear that, but why do I need to forgive you?" A voice from beside me said.

I froze. I slowly looked to the source of the voice. It so dark in this room that I couldn't see everything, just the bed really. However, now that my eyes have adjusted I could see everything better.

I could see Bradley.

He was sitting in an easy chair. He looked like a mess. His blonde hair was tossed and ruffled. He had stubble all across his face. His eyes were red rimmed with dark bags underneath them. He looked like a walking zombie.

I slowly got up before running over and slamming myself into him, crushing him wish a hug.

"Oh my god, Bradley! You're here, your safe. It wasn't real. You're here with me still! Oh my god, thank god, your still here," I repeated constantly.

He managed to push back enough to look at me. "Why wouldn't I be here? What happened to me?"

"I don't know what it was. A I don't know but I got this really horrible feeling and you... you..." my eyes started to tear up again.

Bradley didn't say a word and pulled me back into him. "I understand and you're right. I'm still living and breathing Reggie," he replied tiredly.

This was how it was supposed to happen. Bradley fell asleep behind the wheel and crashed leading to his death. Why was he still awake?"

"Why are you still awake?" I asked cautiously.

He paused. "I just can't sleep is all." He said.

There was a moment of silence. "Is it because of the arrangement?" I asked again.

This time Bradley didn't answer at all which was loud and clear. I would have the reason why Bradley would have crashed. My fault. Tears started to fall down my face before I aggressively wiped them. "What is wrong with me tonight?"

"One, it's morning. Two, I think it's because you witnessed someone you care about die right in front of you. That's just my guess of course." And as always, Bradley is spot on.

I looked over at the clock to see it was actually one in the morning. Only a few more hours before the final day of punishment. A few more hours until and incident took a persons life in my dream.

"Well, I've only got a few more hours before I need to get everything up and running. Might as well get ready now." He said tiredly.

I pushed him down on the chair with my hand easily. "No. No going in to work. You take the day off and sleep. You've gotten acute insomnia  and you need the entire day to rest."

He looked a me confused and was about to object before I put my hand over his mouth. He was shocked but didn't fight back.

I got off him and grabbed his arm and pulled him off the chair. I brought him over to the bed where I pulled the covers out and pointed to the bed. He got the message and got in.

He grumbled. "Who's going to take while I'm out."

"Boop is a big girl and your two apes are smart enough to manage things." I responded.

He chuckled quietly. "That won't like you said that." I didn't respond.

Thinking about it, I know Bradley won't listen to this command. Even though you would think he hates it, Bradley treats his work like religion. He will find a way to sneak out. Something I couldn't risk.

I got into the covers myself and threw my arms around him and spooned him. I'm sure this was a surprise to him. "I'm here just to make sure you don't run off. I've had too much tonight for the bulls**t you like to pull."

Bradley nodded his head. "Although I prefer this position better." Bradley broke my hold, flipped me around and put his arms around me. Now he was spooning me. Why does this feel so familiar.

We laid there like that for awhile. I was lost in my thought until I could fell Bradley start to fall asleep. His breaths were getting slower and deeper.

"Bradley?" I whispered.


"I think we're done with your punishments today. I won't let you go through that punishment anymore."

"That's nice," he mumbled tiredly.

I hesitated when I said my next words. "I think, I should be the one punished today." I whispered.

There was no response. "Bradley?" I called quietly.

"Later," he sighed. Then his breaths evened out completely and he was out like a light. Soft snores soon followed.

I too could feel myself getting sleepy. I could feel something getting hard and poke my butt, however I ignored it. Soon I went back to sleep.  It was a dreamless sleep this time.

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