🦁 Chapter One 🦁

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I adjusted my sunglasses using them as a temporary hair clip to keep my hair out of my face. I had been blessed with hair that grew super fast which was a plus for some people but for me it was a nuisance since I liked to keep my hair short. I pressed the button to spray some water on the windshield of my car before cleaning it off with the wipers.

The road I was traveling on was very dusty and there was nothing but dry grass land on either side of me so I needed to constantly clean the windshield for a good view ahead. I liked to travel with my windows down but if I did that I'd be choking on dust so I left them closed. I was sure that my navy green jeep resembled the brown dust floating around. I could hear the little stones on the road crunch under my newly installed wheels.

I had left the tarmac a few kilometres back and was now using a man-made road to get to my destination. My sister Marini had sent me there with a project to uplift a Samburu community called Ndoto and turn the place around. It was going to be a lot of work that would take probably more than a year but I had the resources and the best team to work with so it was going to be an awesome experience.

I was going to build wells, schools, better housing and establish a way for them to grow their own food. I was doing all this in the middle of the dessert in the north,one of the hottest and driest places in Kenya but it was going to be all worth it. I had done projects like that before all over the world but I had never been in charge so this was going to be a new experience for me, one that I was looking forward to.

I had always loved to travel, the road was my home and I never stayed in one place for too long. I wasn't a wanderer, I'd just never found something worth settling for. My elder sister Marini already had her company and my baby sister Amani was still spreading her wings but she already knew what she wanted with her life . I guess in a way I was still soaring around looking for a place to land. I had been to all seven continents sometimes staying for a few months in different countries if I liked the environment or for only a few days if I didn't like it.

I had been to Antarctica the coldest place on earth, to Death Valley in California USA which is the hottest place on earth and all the the places in between. I had done everything under the sun that you could only imagine in my twenty four years of age. I had gone sky diving in Everest, volcano boarding in Nicaragua, been on the world's steepest roller-coaster in Japan, hot air ballooning in Turkey, whitewater rafting in Zambia and swimming with the great white Sharks in South Africa just to name a few. I didn't mean to sound like I was bragging but I liked sharing my experiences with anyone willing to listen because they had taught me so much.

My phone rang interrupting my train of thought and since it was already connected the car's Bluetooth system I I received it and Marini's voice came through the speakers.

"Hey siz?How's the road?"She asked politely.

"Hi Mar. It's as dry as the Sahara. I've been driving for more than two hours since I left the tarmac and I haven't seen a single soul."I exclaimed.

"I thought you had already experienced stuff like that."

"Well yeah but I didn't expect it to be this bad."

"Just be safe. I was calling to inform you that the shipment you were expecting will be a little late. All the provisions for the community will be there in three days but the rest will be in next week."She explained.

I huffed in frustration knowing that would put me behind schedule.

"As long as it's no later than next week it'll be okay."I replied.

"I'll try to hurry then up."

"Okay bye siz. I'll call you when I get there."

"Drive carefully. I love you."

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