Because of her fire elemental magic, Elina had never really had to worry about getting burnt and the heat never bothered her, until it got too much. She gasped out loud when she couldn't bear it anymore getting Aiden's attention. The soldiers who were fighting him took the chance to bind him in the chains, quickly shackling his wrists. Unlike Elina, Aiden shivered. His teeth chattered and lips showed the barest hints of blue.

"Now what you are witnessing, is my most prized torture device. The idea is simple, really. All it does is amplify a person's magic to a point more than what their body can handle and release in within them at once. I had a few that burned themselves or choked themselves to death. But the both of you can handle it for a couple more days. This wont take too long so rest assured, don't be afraid." Eric said. "Oh! Before we begin, let's bring over some guests shall we? Maybe it will prompt you harder to follow my instructions."

He motioned for two of his cronies and they left without another glance. Aiden struggled against the shackles but it only seemed to increase its effects. His breathing grew labored as he looked over to where Elina was to his opposite. Their eyes met and she smiled at him, quickly nodding her head as if to say she was alright. But he could see her struggling. Aiden fought against the shackles binding him, trying to loosen their grip on him.

"Where are you taking us? Can't you see its causing her more pain, you asshat. Would it kill you to handle us like people?"

Elina looked up sharply at the voice. Her breath caught in her throat as the familiar red head came into vision. "Stella." She breathed. "Zach." She had given up hopes on them. Aiden stopped to stare, surprised at the sudden reveal as well. The couple looked like they had seen better days but gods, whatever had they done to Stella? The poor girl is hanging in there by a thread.

"Elina? What...Are you alright? Aiden, you're here as well." Zach looked concerned despite the situation they were in. Elina felt thankful but her gaze was solely fixed on Stella.

The guards roughly pushed Zach and Stella next to Aiden. Elina pulled at her shackles only for a surge of heat to travel through her body. Stella didn't make a sound nor did she look up, not even when one of the guards kicked her leg to get her attention. Eric pursed his lips at her but he waved his hand to dismiss the guard.

"How long?" He asked to a girl who stood behind him instead. Elina's brows furrowed. The girl glanced at Stella and shook her head.

"Not long. Her powers are completely wiped out. I'd give a maximum of ten hours." She said. Eric visibly beamed at her. Elina saw Zach swallow uncomfortably.

"Stella..." Elina whispered. Her ginger locks were matted down, her skin pale and almost grey. She coughed lightly at intervals but never once looked up. There was dried blood on her fingers and neck.

"That is good to hear." Eric nod his head. And then he clapped once. Loudly, grabbing all their attention. "Now, I understand, you might have a lot of questions. And we have nothing but time on our hands." He paused to pat Stella's head.

Zach lunged for him but the guards pulled him back down. Eric frowned at him and then cleared his throat. "Let's start from the beginning, shall we?"

 "Let's start from the beginning, shall we?"

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