How To Summon Super Hero Demons.

Comenzar desde el principio

"Rachel Roth." said Izuku. "I ran into her when the break just started, she seems like a pretty introverted person, she wasn't all to interested in talking to me."

"Right, that gray skinned girl whose always burying her face in a book." Ben said. "I tried to say hi too, but she just sort of ignored me. Then again, plenty of the kids besides our class is ignoring me these days."

Ben looked a little gloomy for a second before Mina clapped Ben on the back. 

"Hang in there Alien kid!" Mina said, giving Ben a wink. "As a fellow Alien Hero myself I won't let you get down in the dumps!"

"But your hero name is Pinky." said Kyoka. "You chose that over Alien Queen remember?"

"Ahh, but I look like an alien right?" said Mina. 

"Not as much as Ben's transformations though." said Denki. "Seriously Ben's aliens look so cool too, not like those weird little green men that people keep coming up with."

Ben smiled slightly. It was nice to know that even with all the bad press he was getting from the media, especially American Media, that the entirety of his classmates still supported him. They themselves had personally witnessed Ben's capacity to be a hero, and to give him their encouragement in spite of many in the media saying he was a gateway to an alien invasion, or he was a weapon being used by untrustworthy people in UA's current administration.

Later that day, after everyone got dressed in their casual clothes, they made their way to the outdoor mall.

"Is everyone here!?" Tenya Iida exclaimed, hands on his hips. "As class representative, I feel attendance should be taken-."

"Chill out Iida-kun!" said Mina with a pout. "This isn't class time."

"True enough, but a testament to teamwork is  making sure everyone is present!" said Tenya.  

"Honestly, it doesn't matter to me if there's only one person here, long as that person is a certain somebody." said Kyoka, smiling at Ben as she leaned in a little closer. 

As she did so Denki, Mineta, and Kirishima stared at Ben with the same echoing thoughts. "Damn, how is  he the only one here with a girl friend!?"

"Oi..Bakugou." Kirishima whispered over to his best friend and fellow hero in training. "We need to step up our game here. Ben has us beaten in both accumulative test scores and women!"

"I tied with the half'n'half bastard on the written portion." grunted Katsuki. "You're free to tell me what the hell it is besides that weirdly done practical portion I'm lower than him in.."

"Eh..? D-damn it! You didn't need to tell me THAT part! Then again the whole debacle with the Practical portion was expected, I mean you guys were fighting ALL MIGHT of all people." muttered Kirishima.  "And Ben does have the Omnitrix.."

"Don't belittle Tennyson cause of what he has." Katsuki grunted in a lazy voice with hints of his usual aggression. "I doubt anybody in this class can manage the amount of powers he has as quickly as he has."

"I almost forgot you guys are friends now." said Kirishima with a grin.

"Shut up." Katsuki muttered.

"That wasn't a no." said Kirishima brightly, clapping Katsuki on the back. 

"Hey! Ain't that new girl supposed to show today?" Kevin Levin spoke up from near the back of the group in his usual black windbreaker and dark colored clothes. "Somebody remembered to invite her right? I told you guys I'd be willing to include her in the carpool."

My Hero Academia: The Rise of Ben 10, Book 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora