Chapter 21: Rameses

Start from the beginning

Rameses stared down at the two serpents amused. "Well, uh, impressive. Hmm. Very well, Moses. I'll play along." Hotep! Huy! He snapped at the stunned priests. Give these...."snake charmers" Our answer.

The priest walked to the center of the room. They began to chant the names of their gods out loud as someone closed stone slabs over the windows. The statues of the Egyptian gods around them seemed to glare at them from the darkness.

By the power of Ra. Mut. Nut. Khnum. Ptah. Nephthys. Nekhbet. Sobek. . Selket. Reshpu. Wadjet. Anubis. Anukis. Seshmu. Meshkent. Hemsut. Tefnut. Heket. Mafdet. Suddenly their chanting grew louder and faster.

Ra, Mut, Nut, Ptah. Hemsut, Tefnut, Sokar, Selket. Seshmu, Reshpu, Sobek, Wadjet. Heket, Mafdet, Nephthys, Nekhbet, Ra! The chanting stopped as the two priests disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"So, you think you've got friends In high places"

"With the power to put us on the run" Sang the priest named Hotep standing on a nearby statue.

"Well, forgive us these smiles on our faces." Sang the priest named Huy appearing on a balcony causing the curtains around him to form a smile and then a frown.

"You'll know what power is when we are done"


The old priests sang appearing behind Quasi and Moses. As they continued their song.

"You're playing with the big boys now" Sang Hotep.

"Playing with the big boys now" Sang Huy.

"Oh, that's pretty." Said Hotep.

"Every spell and gesture"

"Tells you who's the best "

"You're playing with the big boys now"

"Stop this foolish mission"

" Watch a true magician"

" Give an exhibition how"

"Pick up your silly twigs, boys" The Priests sang pointing at their snakes.

"You're playing with the big boys now"

The priest laughed as a group of priests appeared behind them handing them to staffs of their own as they fought with each other while the other priests chanted behind them.


"By the power of Ra"

"Mut, Nut"

"Khnum, Ptah"

"Sobek, Sekhmet"

"Sokar, Selket"

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