[7] I want you

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It haunted her, she know it, but she can't do nothing about it. She's used to be a angel, but not anymore. She's has been fallen, she's dont rerget it, but she have been deal with a devil, and it cost her love's life and she have to be suffering forever.


"Shut up!"_she whispered



You hate the demon,
But you are the one now

"Stop it..."


"SHUT UP!!!"

she yelling, it hurt, it painful. She cant let it control her

"I AM the one who in control"

Are you~?

She's the immortal now, live forever and forever just live a damn vampire.

The devil can fly

The devil can mind slave

The devil can temp the other

The devil cant not die

The devil can not love

She lost one,

she can not lost another one

Not another one

It's your karma

It's your curse

You can't get away with it

You never will

You killed him

Your friends

Your love

You don't need anything

You have me

You have the power

Killed them all

They just a useless human

You dont need them



don't come here


get out


stop it


There a knock outside Katana's door room for so long, the door is open without her permission. It's Sei who open the door.

"Are you ok Kat? You have been in your room for almost 2 days, something happened to you? Why are you sit in the conner?"_Sei worried "I bring you some food, if you need medicine, you can tell me"

". . . I'm good, Sei. I'm just tired."_Katana drop her emotions, slowly get out of the dark conner. Her wallpaper room are black and red, the room is kinda messy, papers all over the floor, the windows is closed, let no light in the room. The only light in room is night light.

It's 23:23 Pm,

Sei still there, staring at her

She expects something more from her, from Katana

She want an answer from her

She want a clealy explains from what happened to her.

Sei begin to notice...

Katana wear a black shirt, some buttons are open, show of inside her shirt. She's not wear any pant on, show out her smooth thighs with black socks on. Her ruby eye begin to shine in the dark, her emotions still the same, cold as always.

 Her ruby eye begin to shine in the dark, her emotions still the same, cold as always

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". . . You want something more, I know it"_the devil said

"I can see it, I can see you want something bigger, like..."_ Katana said as glare as Sei at the door, she finished "...lust"

"No"_ Sei replied. "I want love..." she reach to the devil, get on top of her:

"I want you"

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