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I go online, smiling when I see the great walls of Nazarick. I hummed when I saw another player on my map, making me go see who was still in the game. I make it to the throne room and see Momonga sitting on the guild throne, making me smile.
"Nice to see your here Suzuki."I call out, seeing him look up at me.

"Beth! Your character!" He, gasped, standing. I can't blame him, especially since I was gone for so long. I smiled, sending a smiling emoicon. 

"I changed my character a little, since the game is ending."I said, walking up to him as he sat back down.

"Your character looks great, though why are you here?"He asked, making me send a smiling emicon again.

"I wanted to see all the NPCs before this world we created disappeared."I said, looking at all the battle maids. Even with how much time I spent in the game I still didn't know the names of things, though mostly cause I wasn't in charge of running the place. I only helped with a few of the NPCs character designs, since I was known for it.
"..... Plus I can't sleep, so I decided why not hop online to see if anyone was still here."I said, standing next to him. He nods, looking at me.

"Well, I'm glad I'm not alone here."He said, sending a smiling Emicon. He looked at Albedo, which made me do so as well. I loved her character design. I had great joy in helping Tabula in making her, though I kept spamming Tabula fanart of her on Discord afterwords. What can I say? She's very sexy.
"Hey, you said you were into girls, right?" He said, making me snicker.

"I thought I 'educated' y'all on that."I said, grinning as I sent a smiling emicon.
"Wish for another lesson?" I asked, tilting my head. He waved his hands frantically.

"No no no, it just I changed something with Albedo."He said, making me frown.

"What did you do to her."I said, sending a angry emoji.

"Nothing too big, I swear. See for yourself."He said, making me check out her bio. I read what he added, staring at him.

"Screw you, I know I'm a simp for her."I said, making him laugh.
"And it looks like you are too."I said, sending a Lenny face to him. He looked away, making me laugh. He then looked at the NPCs, thinking.

"Bow down."He said, causing them to do so. He sighed, looking up.
"There's mine, touch me, Shijuuten Sazaku, Ankoro Mocchi Mocchi, Hero Hero, peroroncino, bakubuku chagama, tabula Smaragdina, warrior Takemikazuchi, Variable Talisman, gemjiro, and yours."He listed the flags on the walls, making me smile and glance over at them. Mine was on the wall above the entrance. We all joked about me being the guilds jester since I designed my character as such, though I made her more unhuman looking as time went on unlike the teifling base she was. The only thing I changed was the coloration, now it having black instead of white.

"Heh..... I'm gonna miss playing with all of you guys." I said, looking at him. He did the same before looking back at the battle maids, causing me to do the same.

"We can all try that campaign you've been wanting us to play. We'll just have to get everyone to make a character for it."He said, making me nod as I smiled sadly under my VR gear. I closed my eyes, sighing. Here it goes.
I opened my eyes when I heard Momonga gasp, making me look at him. I watched him move his hands, trying to start a command. He immediately stood, making me jump. What the- why did he look more detailed. He turned and grabbed me, making me gasp when I felt his cold skeleton hands touch my gloved ones. I could feel him. How is that-

"Is something the matter, Lord Momonga and Lady Consume?" I snapped my head towards Albedo, my mouth opening slightly as I stared at her. She.... She spoke.... She called me Lady consume. Her eyes blinked as she looked at me, her face written with worry.
"Lady Consume? Lord Momonga?"She called again, making me shut my mouth. Momonga let go of my hands.
"Lord Momonga and Lady Consume? Is everything alright?" she asked again, making me look at Momonga. I looked back at Albedo when she walked forward, now standing in front of us.
"If there's a problem, please let me help." she said, causing Momonga to emit a green light for some reason. I felt a wash of emotion wash over me before I felt calm, smiling at her.

"We're fin-"

"The GM call function isn't working." Momonga said, making my eyes widen.

"Is that so?" I asked, furrowing my brows as I try to use the function as well. Nothing.

"I'm sorry, but I have no answer. This 'GM Call' magic you speak of is beyond my comprehension. I realize my failure to assist you is inexcusable. I don't deserve it but I, beg for your mercy my lady and Lord." She said, making me jump up into action. I walk to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. Wow, even she felt so real. So soft.

"It's fine Albedo, there's no need to assist us with this. It seems to be out of our control as well."I said, smiling kindly at her. She bows her head, smiling.

"Sebas!" Momonga called, getting a 'Lord' in response. I relax my hand that still rested on Albedo's shoulder as I looked towards Momonga, tilting my head.
"Sebas, step out of the Great Tomb and report on the Surroundings of Nazarick." He said, making me take my hand back from Albedo's shoulder.

"By your command, my lord. I'll return." Sebas said.

"Pleiades, I want you on the ninth floor. If anyone tries to trespass, deal with them." Momonga commanded.

"As you wish, my lord. It will be done." Pleiades responded, leaving after Sebas.

"Lord Momonga? Do you have any order for me to obey?" Albedo asked, making me look from her to Momonga.

"let's see. I guess you could come here for a moment."He said, causing her to get close to him. I raise a brow at this. She seems very eager to be close. Why is tha- oh fuck. I shake my head, now realizing why. I step down the steps, looking around. From what I can guess, it seems that this world has become real..... I stand there, zoned out as I thought. Why am I so calm about this? I raise my head, humming. I.... I guess my old wish came true. For something unhuman to happen. I jumped when I heard heavy breathing, making me turn around.

"What the hell are you doing to her."I said, startling Momonga it seems.

"I.... Can you come here."He said, making me nod.

"Albedo, I have an order for you." He said as I made my way next to Albedo, eying the two. I definitely heard her moan.

"It would be my pleasure to serve you."she responded, smiling.

"Except for the Guardians of the fourth and eighth floor, I want everyone to meet at the six floor's fighting arena. Have them gather there in one hour."He commanded, getting a bow.

"As you wish, my lord."Albedo said, leaving. Momonga immediately ran a hand over his face, thinking.

"Beth.... Can I ask you to do something?" he asked, making me stare at him.

"Depends, is it related to the fact I heard Albedo moan?" I asked, seeing him cover his face.

"The setting I changed cause her to um..."He trailed off, making understand.

"Oh shit, you touching her made her horny."

"You can't just say something like that out loud!" He yelled, the same green light flashing over him causing him to relax.
"Nevermind. We need to head over."he said, taking my hand into his. We teleport to a different floor, making me raise a brow at him.

"Just spit it out."I said, getting a sigh.

"Can I... Touch your face?" He asked, making me slowly nod.

"You were testing how physical she was so now.... Ok yeah, sure."I said, bringing his hand and resting it on my cheek. My eyes widened when I felt his thumb rub against my cheek, the comfort it brought causing my face to heat up.
"Welp, I forgot my character is touch starved."I stated, turning and separated myself from Momonga.


"Don't worry about it."

(Edited 9-14-21

Okay, I'm editing this story cause it was quite a few typos and because I don't remember what I write. I know the gist but I wanted to read it. I'm a good writer, I just too to fix my god damn typos and update my stories.)

(Edited 1-5-22
Wow, can't believe it's been a full year. I should draw something for the occasion.)

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