Missionaries - Those Who Lives Lies (1)

Start from the beginning

"Was that... an illusion?" I end up remembering from earlier when I was trying to get merch with Hati, he did the same thing with a group of people who were trying to attack him. This is really not going to be easy if he can trick me into thinking I got a hit on him.

"Don't forget about us! Raaagh!" Kengo strikes Hati, stopping him in his tracks. I was surprised that Hati didn't drop Gabriel after getting attacked by Kengo's powerful blows. Kengo look to get ready to attack Hati once more but was stopped by a sudden appearance.

"Peek-a-boo!" Nyarlathotep, who had been observing the scene quietly, emerges from the darkness. Nyarlathotep had both of his hands next to his face as his tongue hung out of his mouth. He looked rather amused by his actions.

"Whoa! Where'd you come from?!" Kengo looked totally shocked at the sudden appearance of Nyarlathotep and ended up not landing a hit on either Hati or Nyarlathotep. Hati looked at Nyarlathotep with an annoyed expression.

"Ahahaha! Come now! Aren't you ashamed to gang up on him?! The Nyarlathoteps are here, baby! Aren't we kinda like some comic book hero?!" Nyarlathotep gave a quick wink before laughing happily. I couldn't help but feel like he was the reason why this was happening in the first place.

"Nyarlathotep, are you the one who instigated this?" I couldn't help but speak in a disapproving tone as I stared down a still very much cheerful Nyarlathotep. I really didn't understand him at all... He was really helpful towards me but now he is causing all this chaos, for what reason?

"Wow, pop star! What a wild joke, baby! Instigated? Me? Ah, we just love you more and more! That man there? All he did was admit the honest to goodness truth to himself, you see. He's just crazy about his girl! Enough to tear her apart! Ever seen something so beautiful?! Love makes the world go round, baby!" Nyarlathotep made a heart shape with his hand as he spun around in a circle, laughing as he did so. When he stopped spinning he was no longer smiling like crazy but looking at me with a rather serious look in his eyes.

"Are you saying he's at fault? Because he fell in love? Or because he was born? That just isn't fair! Maybe his mum and pop should never've shagged, eh? He should just run off and die like the little freak he is, right?! You're looking mighty shaggable yourself right now! Tell us we're wrong. Go on! Explain to us why he's such a bad boy!" I didn't know what to say to Nyarlathotep after he said all of that to me. I know what Hati is doing is wrong but I am kind of questioning myself after realizing you can't really control who you fall in love with.

"Tell us, baby! What's wrong with this bad boy?! Well? We're waiting, baby! What's wrong with him, eh? Educate this poor fool!" Every time I blink, more of Nyarlathotep appear. I was getting a bit dizzy at seeing more and more of him appearing, looking at me with that excitable expression on his many faces. As I was struggling with what to do with the sudden increase of Nyarlathotep, Kengo reacted right away and started to attack him.

"Ahahahaha! You hit us! Kinky baby, yeah! That hurt! Are our feelings not reaching you, baby? How sad!" Even after getting hit by Kengo none of the copies of Nyarlathotep went away and that made me realize that he actually made copies of himself, not illusions, real copies of himself!

"It's not an illusion... What the hell is going on? There's even more of them now!" Kengo looked shocked at this as well. The troop of Nyarlathoteps continues to grow, and Hati disappears amidst the confusion. I tried to figure out which direction he went through the crowd of Nyarlathoteps but didn't have any luck.

"Well, nosy? You gonna get in the way of love? Are you gonna chase that tail or not, baby?" One of Nyarlathotep clones whispers into my ear from behind and I tried not to flinch at the sudden presence from behind.

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