Chapter 29

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[Please read A/N at end :3]

The day they had all dreaded arrived, the day Namjoon and Changbin had to leave. It was hard to explain to the kids they would be gone for 2 years.

Tears were shed that day as well as right now. The kids were all cuddled in the back with a blanket. It was cold and very early in the morning.

Jin was driving to airport as Namjoon was slowly drifting off in the passenger seat. His hand was still being held by Jin. Namjoon had been up all night, preparing small gifts for his kids and husband.

He tried his best, leaving them each a plush with a little note. Jins note including a keychain locket with a picture of their family.

He made sure they were all in the car and before leaving, he claimed he left something. When he walked inside he left the gifts on the table for them.

Chan was driving Changbin to the airport. Changbin was asleep with the kids in the back, Felix was nearly on his lap.

When they all arrived at the airport, 15 minutes before they had to go.

"I'm not ready to go." Namjoon frowned, he was sat down on the ground, drowned in drowsy kids.

"I'm not ready for you to go either." Jin said as a tear escaped. Changbin was holding Felix and Jeongin close.

They were both asleep but he still held them close until it was time to leave. They were called to the gate to check in before boarding. Namjoons mother had arrived just in time.

"I'm sorry boys...its time for Appa to go now." Namjoon held back tears as they clung onto him. Jin tried to hold back his tears as he held the kids back.

"Dont miss me too much Jinnie... I love you all." Namjoon felt his tears start as he gave them last kiss goodbye.

"Eomma, ima miss you so much." Namjoon hugged her, she ran a hand through his hair.

"Good luck son, you're gonna be great I will take good care of your babies and love." She smiled and gently wiped one of his tears away.

He smiled and hugged her one last time before heading to the gate.

"Name?" Asked the recruiting officer.

"Kim Namjoon." Namjoon had his suitcase and backpack. He looked back at his family one more time. Yoongi was hugging his brothers close as well as Jin hugging them all. His mother rubbing Jins back.

He smiled fondly at his eldest son, Yoongi knew he had to be the strongest for his brothers. Yes, he was very upset about his Appa leaving. He also felt the need to console his brothers more.

"Stay here Kookie." The youngest was fighting his way off of the secure hold. He screamed and kicked, not quite understanding what was happening.

Jin sighed and picked him up, "shhh its gonna be okay." He whispered in to the thrashing boys ear.

He eventually tired himself out and was asleep on Jin. Meanwhile Felix had woken up when Changbin was called.

"Seo Changbin?"

Changbin hugged Felix tightly, "listen to me, you're gonna have a fun time without me okay? Uncle Jin is gonna take good care of you and ill be back before you know it."

Felix wiped away his tears with his jacket sleeve, "I love you daddy."

"I love you too buddy. You be good okay? I'll talk to you when I can."

Felix nodded and hugged him one last time. Changbin hugged a still sleeping Jeongin and kissed Chan.

"Goodbye, I love you." Said Changbin.

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