Chapter 5

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"Appa cant find lulu!"

"Yeosang said that one time his Papa was on a plane and there was ghosts!"

"Can I sits by TaeTae?!"

"Can I takes tata?!"

"Can we see a rainbow?!"

Questions, questions and more questions.

Jin was doing a double check through the luggage along with Namjoon to make sure everything was ready.

It was currently 8am, their flight was leaving at 10.

All the kids ran around asking questions about the plane and the trip.

Jin had to stop checking bags to comfort Jungkook, who was upset about his missing bunny.

"Bun did you check your bed?" Asked Jin.

Jungkooks eyes grew wide and he took off to his room.

"Okay I think that's everything, let's get these bags in the car" Namjoon said as he took two bags and headed outside.

"Papa I find lulu! She sleepy!" Said Jungkook as he ran up to Jin.

"That's great honey, I'm sure she is" Jin said as he patted the boys head and helped Namjoon.

Once the bags were loaded up the headed to the airport.

Thankfully, the kids were calm, which allowed the drive to the airport to go smoothly.

Each of the kids pulled their own suitcases.

Jin took both his and Jungkook which Namjoon had his suitcase, backpack and Jungkook, who was sleeping in his arms with his head buried in his bunny's fur.

Jin took the kids to get a seat so they could wait while Namjoon checked in.

"Name please?" The kind lady at the counter asked.

"Kim Namjoon, I have tickets for my whole family" said Namjoon as he held Jungkook.


Namjoon showed all the passports and got the tickets.

[I've never been to an airport or been on a plane please stick with me haha]

Namjoon thanked the lady and went to sit with Jin.

Yoongi was asleep on his suitcase that was now on its side.

Jimin and Taehyung were trading stickers while Hoseok just stuck them all over his suitcase.

"Look appa! This one mine cause it got stickers! There a flower and a wainbow!" Hoseok said excitedly.

"I see baby its beautiful " Namjoon smiled.

They waited around 45 minutes until their flight was called.

They came upon the one thing Namjoon hated the most, security check.

It's not that he had anything dangerous on him, it just always made him anxious.

He was terrified of the machine going off and having to be searched.

They placed their phones, Namjoons camera and other things necessary to get through.

Namjoon let out a breath he did know he was holding once he succeeded with getting through the security check.

They guided the kids through.

Hoseok had given the guards a sticker once he made it through.

"Here you can have heart! And and you have hmm flower!" Hoseok said as he stuck them on their hands.

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