Chapter 32

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Jin had gotten all the boys in the car, buckled in, and began driving slowly to look at the lights. Tannie was with them as well. (As requested by Taehyung.)

He could hear all of the boys commenting about the lights and how pretty they were. He already knew it would be hard to leave in the next week.

He started driving around longer to cherish every moment with them. They spent little over an hour and a half looking at the lights.

It was only then Jin realized theyd been driving in circles. He sighed but remembered he could call Namjoon and Changbin!

Namjoon had told him Changbin was with him for the most part. So be only had to call him.

So he drove home and got the kids inside. First giving them all a bath. Two kids went to the bath, the others watched tv until it was their turn.

It didnt take long until he was finally done and had six clean kids. He say down with them and tried calling Namjoon.

Jungkook was busy trying to hit Jimin with his toy while they all played. Once they heard Namjoon and Changbins voice they quieted down.

"Daddy!" Felix ran over to Jin and smiled when he saw Changbin.

"Hi bubba, how are you?" Changbins asked.

"Good! Daddy where your hair at?" Felix asked as he giggled. Changbin couldn't help but laugh with him.

"Its gone, isnt it? Itll grow back. Are you having fun? Anything exciting?"

Felix made a thinking face, "ooo we see pretty lights! They were so pretty daddy."

Changbin smiled and listened to all the stories Felix told him. He missed holding him and tucking him into bed, or just being eith him. He missed Chan, and Jeongin, and all the kids.

After Felix was done with his stories, Changbin figured he should let Namjoon talk too.

He told Felix he was sleepy so he told him goodnight. Felix hugged the phone, "goodnight daddy! Loves you!"

"I love you too, I miss you be good okay?"

Felix nodded and gave Jin the phone back.

"Appa!" Taehyung snatched the phone and started talking to Namjoon.

He was bombarded by all his brothers as they all talked and giggled. Namjoon asked each one of them questions and enjoyed seeing them so happy.

"Appa miss you!"

"Yeah miss you!"

"Appa why you not have hair?" Asked Yoongi.

Namjoon laughed, "they had to cut it baby."

"But why?"

"I'm not sure, have you all been good for papa?" Asked Namjoon.

They all nodded but Yoongi looked away, Namjoon already knew what had happened when Jin told him.

"I heard you protected Hobi, I'm not mad cheer up bubs,okay?"

Yoongi gave him a gummy smile, "okay Appa!" Namjoon could only talk another 30 minutes before he had to go.

Jin held the phone and told him about going on tour. Namjoon had mentioned where he was and how he hoped they scheduled a show there.

The nearest venue was over an hour and a half away from him. Making it unlikely he could go.

He reluctantly told them goodnight. The kids were sad as well, but were also more so sleepy.

So, after Jin was able to talk to Namjoon his said goodnight as well. When he turned his phone off he figured he could let them watch a movie before bed.

Majority of them were falling asleep as is. He got out a few kids movies and let them pick. Hoseok,Felix, and Jungkook wanted the lion king, Taehyung and Jimin picked Zootopia, and Yoongi picked Sing.

They all argued until Jin told them they could watch them all. He knew it would solve the argument, but also theres no way theyd make it through the first movie.

So he out on the lion king, setting up blankets and pressing play. At first, they all had alot of energy to stay up and watch.

They sang along to a few songs and changed the way they laid on the blanket several times. Jin even dozed off a few times.

Jimin, Yoongi, and Taehyung were the only ones awake by the end of the first movie.

They were determined to watch their movie. So Jin put in Zootopis and played it while he took the ones asleep to bed.

After putting Jungkook in his bed, Jin walked back into the room to see the twins laying ontop of each other and watching the movie.

Yoongi was fighting to stay awake, his eyes would close then shoot back open. Jin knew it was a matter of seconds until he crashed.

"Yoongles are you ready to sleep?" Asked Jin as he sat down next to him. Yoongi shook his head and tiredly watched the movie.

Jin pulled him into his lap and stroked his hair. Something that always sent him straight to sleep. Yoongi still fought his sleep but eventually gave in.

Jin gently picked him up and brought him to bed. Once he was tucked in and sleeping soundly, Jin went to check on the others.

All of them were sound asleep as well, so when he came back to the livingroom, the movie was almost over and Jimin and Taehyung were asleep.

"Finally" Jin mumbled to himself and carried them to bed. He put Tannie on the bed as well. The pup curled up and fell asleep next to Taehyung.

Once he showered, and changed into pajamas. Jin got into bed himself. He held the little KOYA plush close. Imagining it was Namjoon.

He sighed happily and fell asleep. His alarm was set to wake up for taking the kids to school as well as his rehearsal.


Hi...I disappeared I'm sorry 😅 this chapter is shorter and kinda out of place but I kinda made my way through it.

My new classes have started and it's not that bad. (I havent been to lab so I cant say much).

I've been doing alright, we are finally over covid. I hope you enjoyed this messy chapter.  I already have the next one halfway done :).

Love and missed yall


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