Chapter 20

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Jin had stayed in their room all afternoon.

He didn't dare come out unless one of the kids needed him.

Namjoon kept trying to come up with ways to make the brothers make up. It shouldn't be that hard, right?

He never got the full story but he could solve it somehow, he was smart.

He made dinner with success and set plates at the table. He called everyone to dinner, walking to the bedroom to tell Jin.

He heard small cries as he knocked, "hey baby? Dinner is ready."

Jin looked up and wiped away his tears, "ill be there soon.  Start without me. "

He frowned and waited to the bed, sitting next to his husband.

He rubbed Jins back gently, "can you tell me what's wrong?"

"I wanna make up. I really do.  For my parents sake,  but I don't know how. "

"Well, can you tell me the whole story so I can help?"Asked Namjoon.

Jin nodded, "well, the truth is my dads health dropped a little so I was worried and called my brother.

Hes my older brother, so I figured I could get some reassurance and tell him it would be nice if he could visit.

Well, he said he didn't have time to visit so we got into a huge argument.

We basically screamed at each other, and at the end of our call the last thing he said was that im dead to him and to never call him again.

That night I called you because, well, nobody else was answering. I didn't want to run to my parents like a child. So I pressed a random number.

It just happened to be yours,  as it rung I thought i could control myself and not cry. I wanted to rant but the more I thought about it, more tears fell. That explains why I just cried into the phone."

"Oh Jin, you know you've gotta make up before the funeral. " Namjoon kissed his temple and walked him to the table.

Seokjung was already sitting down, waiting with the kids.

The brothers sent glares as they ate, Namjoon watched and came up with an idea.

Once everyone was finished, Namjoon excused the kids to get ready for a bath.

This left Namjoon, Jin, and Seokjung to sit at the table quietly.

Jin avoided eye contact with both his husband and brother.

"Okay, you'll each explain yourselves,  you cannot interrupted each other no matter what. Seokjung you can start."Namjoon explained.

"Look, I wanted to visit Appa and Eomma I really did.  I just had alot going on and couldn't make it. "

"For five years?!" Interrupted Jin.

"Don't interrupt." Namjoon scolded.

"Don't patronize me!" Jin shouted.

"Let me explain okay?! I went through hitting rock bottom with depression! Do you really think I shouldve visited in that state?!" Seokjung yelled after slamming his hands on the table.

"Thats a load of bull shit!" Jin yelled back, their faces were inches apart with death glares.

"You told me I was dead to you, was that your depression talking? Huh?" He pressed.

"Seokjin, remember when you were 5 and I was 7 and you said you didn't want me as a brother when I wouldn't let you sleep in my room anymore?" Asked Seokjung.

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