Chapter 14

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It had been a few weeks after Jungkooks diagnosis.

The couple had explained to the kids to take it slow and warned them he may be annoying towards them. They all understood it was unintentional.

They had been to many of the counseling sessions and were slowly making progress.

Jungkook was still aggressive for a three year old, but with Namjoon and Jin using the techniques they learned, he had calmed down.

Summer had passed quickly,  the boys would be going to school soon, meaning the twins were starting school as well.

Jin, however,  was one of the top trainees currently. After his last performance check he was listed as having better improvement.

He had written several songs already, one for Namjoon, himself , and the boys.

Namjoon didnt have a trip for months, he needed at his studio more for the time being.

A new school year meant they could have new assistants or interns arrive.

A new one had arrived already.

Namjoon normally didn't not have assistants unless they were around the whole building, like Wooyoung.

This year as always, they only had one new comer, his name was Chan.

Chan is different,  he is a transfer student and is a sophomore in college.

He was assigned specifically to Namjoon, since it was new to him to have a full time assistant and not one that popped in and out. He had no idea how to keep him busy.

Namjoon couldnt focus either, he was busy preparing for the twins to start school the following day.

Jin was taking them school shopping today. Yoongi,Hoseok and Jungkook were with Namjoons mother.

They had gotten the basic supplies needed, the task at hand was choosing a backpack.

Their eyes sparkled at all the choices.

"Dinosaur!" Yelled Taehyung as he grabbed the backpack he chose.

Jimin on the other hand, was having a difficult time choosing.

The puppy one was cute, but the paw patrol one looked cool. How could he forget the dinosaur one to match his twin??

Ah the struggles, Jin leaned down next to the boy, "hey sweetheart which one do you like the most?"

Jimin looked at the choices as if his life depended on it, finally he made a decision "paw patrol!"

"Do you want to get that one?" Jin asked to make sure.

Jimin nodded," want this one papa."

Jin smiled and put both of the backpacks in the basket.

Taehyung and Jimin were holding hands and skipping alongside Jin.

Even though they were going to have uniforms, Jin wanted to get them new clothes.

While Jin looked at clothes, the boys had other plans.

"Minnie lets play game!" Whispered Tae.

Jimin tilted his head, looking like a confused puppy, "game? I wanna play game!"

"Shh" Tae giggled and grabbed Jimins arm, dragging him over to a clothes rack.

"Hide from papa?" Questioned Jimin.

Taehyung giggled and nodded, "hide and seek."

Jimin smiled widely, his favorite game! They both climbed into the rack and waited.

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