❌ Sparring Partner

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Summary: Jay and Dick spar together. It takes a bit of a turn. [1,739 words]


The complete version of this fic is only available on Archive Of Our Own (for more info on why, please see the Table Of Contents). A link to the fic is provided at the bottom of the chapter, under External Link. If you are not on desktop, please see the link to my AO3 in my bio, or the JayDick Oneshots masterpost on my profile (under the 'Conversations' tab. Scroll to 29 March, 2023) for the direct links to the fics.


A short preview:

Jason narrowed his eyes at Dick. "Come on baby, is that really necessary?"

They were sparring — in the Cave for the extra space — and Jason wasn't pleased that Dick kept teasing him, flitting out of his reach with increasingly ridiculous acrobatics.

"Style is always necessary, Jay. Maybe if you could catch me I'd be willing to listen to your input."

Jason scowled. "Realistically, in a real fight I would have my guns and I would so be winning this." He lunged again.

"That's what you think." Dick easily evaded him and landed a tap of a kick to his side.

Jason grabbed for Dick's ankle, and his fingers managed to barely brush it, but Dick was too fast and already dancing out of his range again with a back handspring. 

But then he surprised Jason and quickly darted forward, flipping forward onto his hands right in front of Jason and wrapping his legs around Jason's neck. Jason didn't even have time to do more than instinctively grab at Dick's legs before Dick pulled his body up like a sit-up, hanging from Jason's neck, and heaved all of his weight to one side, twisting his body and slamming Jason down onto the mats.

Dick rolled right back onto his feet and pinned Jason facedown with his arm behind his back and Dick's knee at the base of his spine. Jason could've bucked him and taken it to close hand to hand where he had a strength advantage, but instead he relaxed his body. "'S sexy when you put me in my place, baby."

Dick relaxed his grip on Jason's arm and leaned forward to speak in his ear. "Oh yeah?" His voice was deep and smooth like butter, and oh yes, he was definitely of the same mind as Jason.


Dick slid his knee over so he was straddling Jason's lower back, and leaned forward, pulling Jason's chin up to kiss him with his free hand. And holy shit this was uncomfortable as hell, but Jason wasn't quite willing to ask Dick to let him go yet because it was also kind of hot being pinned down like this.

He opened his mouth and Dick eagerly did the same, pushing his tongue into Jason's mouth.

Jason didn't know how long they made out for before they were rudely interrupted by a sharp, "Boys!"

Dick sat up so fast it was a wonder he didn't get whiplash. Jason just stared at Bruce, wondering when the fuck he'd appeared out of thin air, and not bothering to hide how annoyed he was at him for interrupting.

"Take it somewhere else," Bruce said, sounding even more unamused than usual and already turning away.

Jason was getting some strong 'not in the Cave, what is wrong with you?' vibes, but he could be wrong. Probably not. Bruce always was a judgy bitch. "Gonna let me up now, baby?"

"What?" Dick asked absently, still blushing and wide-eyed. And then, as he processed what Jason had said, "Oh, ah, sorry!" he squeaked, scrambling off of him. "I can't believe Bruce just saw that."

Jason rolled over onto his back and rolled his shoulder of the arm that had been behind his back. "Pretty sure he's walked in on you doing way worse." He carefully flexed his neck to the side.

"Not in a long time! Like years!"


"I'm supposed to be adulty and stuff, not," Dick waved his hand vaguely, "succumbing to lust like a hormone-riddled teenager."

Jason laughed. "'Adulty and stuff', that'll sure convince 'em."

Dick pushed his shoulder. "Shut up."

"Well feel free to succumb to your lust any time you want with me, baby; I'll never judge you. It can be our little secret." He brought a finger to his lips. "The world will never know you're immature enough to have feelings."

Dick put his face in his hand. "Shut up. Why do I even like you?"

Jason clutched dramatically at his chest. "Oof, right through the heart. Oh, I've been fatally wounded."

Dick laughed.

He closed his eyes and threw the back of his hand over them, pretending to feel faint. "There's no cure! I see the light! There is no remedy for this most mortal of ailments!" He paused and cracked one eye open to look at Dick slyly. "...Except perhaps one."

"Oh, and what's that?" Dick asked, sounding amused.

"Gimme a kiss?" Jason puckered his lips exaggeratedly.

Dick laughed again, but gave him the requested kiss. And then another. And then Jason pulled him down for more, the kisses turning open mouthed and messy.

"Go. Somewhere. Else." A stern voice demanded from across the Cave.

Dick pulled back as if burned. "Sorry!"

Ugh. Bruce was so on Jason's shitlist again.

"Let's go." Dick got to his feet and held out a hand to help Jason up. Jason took it and they started heading toward Jason's motorcycle.

"Next time I'm gonna fuck you right on the desk and then we'll see—" Jason grumbled, before Dick cut him off.

"Jay! No!" Jason half-expected that to be followed by 'bad dog' — that was exactly the voice Dick used to scold Ace with. Which...kind of funny, kind of scary.

Bruce made a face like he was constipated. Good.

"I can hear you," he said.

Jason met his eyes directly. "I know." 

And what are you gonna fucking do about it, his tone said. Nothing, that was what.

Bruce closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, taking a deep breath. When he opened his eyes, the look in them said that if he wasn't Batman, he would drink himself into a blind stupor every single night and it would be entirely Jason's fault.

Jason was kind of proud of that.

"Sorry, and we will not be doing that!" Dick promised.

Jason just smirked and gave Bruce a little wave of his fingers before turning and getting on his motorcycle and kick-starting it.


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