❌ Scary Love

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Summary: The thing was, Dick scared Jason a little. No one else had ever loved him in the same deep, unrestrained, no-strings-attached way. Dick's love felt unconditional and that was fucking terrifying for a lot of reasons, because he didn't know what he'd done to deserve it, and because he didn't know what to do with himself without it anymore, and he didn't know what the fuck he was supposed to do when he inevitably fucked this up and it all came crashing down. [2,036 words]

Note: Inspired by The Neighbourhood's 'Scary Love', as prompted by @lovdalnim on tumblr.


The complete version of this fic is only available on Archive Of Our Own (for more info on why, please see the Table Of Contents). A link to the fic is provided at the bottom of the chapter, under External Link. If you are not on desktop, please see the link to my AO3 in my bio, or the JayDick Oneshots masterpost on my profile (under the 'Conversations' tab. Scroll to 29 March, 2023) for the direct links to the fics.


A short preview:

When Jason blinked his eyes open in the morning, he just laid there for a few minutes, staring at his boyfriend's sleeping face. Free of the stress of cases, he looked almost angelic.

He reached out a hand and gently stroked over the tawny skin of his cheek, and Dick's eyes slowly opened.

"Hi," Dick said with a smile. His voice was low and slightly raspy from sleep, and his eyes were almost unbearably soft.

Jason had to force himself not to look away with how overwhelming the love in his expression was. "Hey, good morning."

Dick turned his face to kiss the palm of Jason's hand and then stretched — a full body affair that should've by all accounts been unflattering, but just had Jason staring at how stupidly beautiful he was.

He relaxed back against the bed and took Jason's hand, which was still resting on his face, and moved it down between their bodies, twining their fingers together. "I love you," he murmured.

Jason swallowed hard. Yeah. That was a little bit the problem, wasn't it?

The thing was, Dick scared him a little. No one else had ever loved him in the same deep, unrestrained, no-strings-attached way. Dick's love felt unconditional and that was fucking terrifying for a lot of reasons, because he didn't know what he'd done to deserve it, and because he didn't know what to do with himself without it anymore, and he didn't know what the fuck he was supposed to do when he inevitably fucked this up and it all came crashing down. Dick was too good for him, way too fucking good, and it was only a matter of time until Jason did something and made him realise that.

Dick's face dropped slightly. "What are you thinking about? You look so..." he trailed off.

Jason shook his head.

Dick frowned, sitting up and leaning down to kiss his forehead, brushing his hair back and then letting his hand trail down to cup his cheek. He squeezed Jason's hand and moved his head down to look him in the eyes, their noses brushing. "You sure you don't wanna talk about it? I can't make it better if you don't tell me."

Sometimes Jason thought Dick had a little bit of magic in him, because just like that, he suddenly felt he couldn't keep from spilling his guts even if he felt weak for burdening Dick with it.

"It's just, I don't know what to do with it. It feels like too much and I know I don't really deserve it and it's gonna catch up to me and I'm gonna fuck it all up, and then, and then...and then I don't even know what I'll be anymore. I'm too dependent on it, I don't even know what I'd do. I need it too much and I hate that because it's a weakness and it's gonna all come crumbling down, and—" he cut himself off, breathing a little too fast just thinking about it.

"Oh Jaybird, come on, just breathe for a minute," Dick said softly, stroking over his cheek with one thumb and the back of his hand with the other.

After a few moments, Jason's breathing evened out, and Dick spoke again. "Now, can you try to repeat that in words I can understand?" He prodded gently.

"I don't know what to do when you say you love me," Jason blurted out. "Nobody's ever loved me the way you do, just so openly and without expectations and I don't know what to do with it. I know I'm gonna fuck it up and I'm too dependent on it now. I don't know what I'd do without you anymore."

"You don't have to find out, Jay. It doesn't matter because I'm not going to leave you."

"You think that now, but you don't know that. One way or another everybody always leaves me."

Dick narrowed his eyes. "No." He said firmly. "Not me. You're gonna have to get used to me loving you because you can't make me stop. You're not going to fuck this up. I know you well enough by now, I know who you are as a person, and I love you. If you do something stupid, or if I do something stupid — because I will — we will work it out because that's what people do when they love each other."

Jason looked up at him with big, vulnerable eyes. "What if you just fall out of love with me?" He asked quietly.

"Then I will remind myself of every reason I fell in love with you in the first place, until I fall in love with you again," Dick said stubbornly, fire in his eyes. "I'm not letting you go and you can't make me. You're mine now. And I'm yours. You're stuck with me."

Jason found himself smiling slightly against his will. There was just something he loved so much about Dick when he got stubborn like that.

Dick smiled at him in response and pressed a kiss to his lips. "There we go." He kissed him again. "I love you." And again. "Love, love, looove you—"

Jason pulled his head down and kissed him deeply to shut him up. "I love you too," he murmured, when he finally pulled back, and then pulled Dick's head right back down.


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