39: Christmas is a win

Start from the beginning

"Skylar! Breathe!" Caleb's voice cuts through my panicked daze.

I inhale, breath broken up by anxiety. I have to hold onto the shelf for support as my brain floods with oxygen.

"I'm in the store. Where are you?"

"Crayons." Is all I manage to say.

I hang up, trying to ground myself. Drifter is not here, i am safe. I am in the store and i am safe. Nothing is going to happen because it's broad daylight, we are in a public place, and-

My thoughts are interrupted by arms wrapping around me. If it had been anyone else, i would have jumped and possibly even screamed. But I knew Caleb.

"There you are." He says, heaving a sigh of relief. "Are you okay?"

I nod, my throat still tight. Tears leak down my cheeks, and I sniff.

"Let's get out of here." He whispers, then pulls away. He takes me by the hand, and leads me away from the crayon aisle.

We avoid the crowds, and walk slowly. I concentrate on the rhythm of my feet, making a song with the beat.

The parking lot. The car. I'm seated inside. I can see my breath. I can see snowflakes of frost lining the windshield. I can see the mystery scratches along the dashboard.

Caleb shuts his door, and it's like my hearing is suddenly restored. I blink a couple of times, not sure what to say or do.

"Come here," Caleb says, opening his arms.

I scoot over and hug him. I mumble an apology as he rubs my back.

"Don't be sorry, Skylar. PTSD is something very real and very hard to deal with. I'm just glad you're alright and it was a false alarm."

I let out a sigh of relief. "Me too."

"You... you really think you saw him in there?"

I nod. "There was something so familiar about him. The way he moved, the way he looked at me. Even his body type was spot on." I take a deep breath to calm my building panic. "I was so afraid. I-I couldn't think. It was like being in my room the night he gave me these scars."

"He gave you those scars?"

I nod. "I thought he was going to kill me back there, to finish what he started- to tie up loose ends."

"Well, I'm glad he didn't." Caleb lets out a loud breath, then sits upright to look me in the eye. "Let's go home, okay?"

"But we had shoppping-"

"The shopping can wait for another time." He smiles, then gives me a peck on the cheek. "Hurry and buckle up, let's get outta here."


"Hey, no doors closed when boyfriends are over!" Dad calls down the stairs after us.

"But Daaad!" I complain. Caleb just laughs.

"It's the same if Caleb were your girlfriend!"

"What am I going to do, get him pregnant?"

"I don't want you to even try!"

"We won't!" Caleb interrupts. "Don't worry about a thing, Mr. Murdock!"

"I trust you Caleb, keep him in line!"

I flop onto my bed with a huff. "Why are you the favorite son now?"

Caleb shrugs. "In his eyes, I haven't broken any of your house rules yet. So naturally I'm more trustworthy."

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