Chapter 49 - Our Happy Ending

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Erza POV

All of us had heaps of fun at prom. We danced, the boys ate, us girls chatted and giggled and Natsu and Lucy ended up winning prom King and Queen which I clearly saw coming. It all went so fast though. At the end of prom we weren't ready to go home so I invited everyone back to my house for a bon fire since my parents are away on a work trip like always and my back yard in more like a football field. I offered clothes to the girls from my collection well the just took off their jackets and left then inside.

We continued to sit and reminisce about the year we had. Laughing about all the stupid things like how Natsu and Lucy first met or how the boys asked the girls to prom and tricked them jnto thinking it was a bigger deal then it was supposed to be.

We cried, well the girls did, over how we have become so close and how we have this friendship that will last forever. Also about how great this year was even though there were some down sides.

It will be weird not seeing each other almost every single day, especially since we arent all going to the same Uni. We will always stay in contact though and we definitely wont let anything get between us.

Then at one point I hear my doorbell go off. Its weird that someone is coming to the door at this time of night. Which is about eleven. Even the others give a look of curiosity. I ecvuse myself and go to the front door.

No ones POV

Erza opens the door and is left ian disbelief. What would this blue haired man want for her at this very moment? It almost leaves her speechless to see him.

"Hello Erza" Jellal nervously says as he stands in front of the red haired girl for the first time in months.

"Ok look im having the time of my life right now with my friends so what ever you have to say can wait" Erza says sterning before closing the door in his face but Jellal manages to put his foot in the way just in time which causes him to make a hurt noise since she was trying to shut it quite hard.

"Thats the thing, Erza, it can't wait" Jellal says pausing to see how Erza reacts. She sighs and opens the door up again.

"Ok well make it quick" She says clearly agitated.

"Well I made a mistake when I said we shouldn't see each other anymore" Erza quickly gets bored by what she thinks is a stupid excuse and begins to vlose the door again. "Please wait I'm not finished"

"I don't care Jellal. If I go back to you how can I guarantee that this wont happen again? How can I guarantee I'll jappy again? How do I know you aren't just here because you're lonely and have no one else?" Erza says almost in a yell which takes Jellal by surprise.

"Erza what are you saying? You are talking as if I cheated. All we did was break up because off our situation. Please just rethink this" Jellal pleads to her but Erza doesn't change her expression.

"Maybe I don't want to be hurt by you again at least not yet Fernandez. Good bye for now." She says with almost a sympathetic look.

"If thats what you want then I can't fight you. Goodbye for now, Miss Scarlet" Jellal says with a sad smile. With that he turms around and walks down the front lawn and down the street.

Erza finds herself staring off after him with a bit of regret. Once she has snapped out of it she returns to the group.

"Who was that Erza?" Levy says while curiously looking at Erza.

"Oh just a persistent door knocker. Saw the bon fire and thought to sell what ever it was while he was in the area. Now where were we?" For the rest of the night the friends talked and talked to their hearts content. They ended up falling asleep in their positions.

It was indeed the end of a beautiful part of their lives but also another even more extraordinary part. The friends kept in contact even the distances between the Universitys. Not long after finishing up their degrees, Natsu and Lucy did indeed get married and everyone was there. The other couples' wwdding happening not long after. They all ended up having children. Even Erza after she forgave Jellal and they got back together. It truly was their happy ending.



There you go guys, the last chapter of Fairy High Love. I actually cried during writing this because I knew that this was it but I had forgotten that I still have my other books where I get to make you guys happy by writing more adventures of the Fairy Tail gang. So go read them if you want more. No im not planning on a sequel sorry. Mainly because I feel it would have ruined it making a sequel so thats why I ended it the way I did. You guys are amazing and I'll miss writing this for you but as I said I have other books. You all have been such a support and I really can not thank you enough. So really, thank you so much and I hope I see you all liking and commenting on my other books in the very near future. Remember to vote, comment and follow me if you haven't already And for the last time in Fairy High Love,

Shiro_Yuki out.

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