Chapter 41 - Moving to mexico...

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Juvia POV

Gray-sama and I walk hand in hand to our next class with Natsu and Lucy following close behind. "Gray-sama, Juvia wants to know if you have any plans for after high school" The thought has crossed my mind multiple times but i've never really said anything about it.

"Nope" He simply says. Seriously, I ask him a serious question and he answers with nope. All I can do is shake my head at his response. Maybe he just doesn't want to talk about it.

We continue to our class with minimal talking. I glance back at Lucy who seems to be having the same dilemma as I am with not getting our boyfriends to talk. I wonder if something has happened recently...

Natsu POV

How to I ask Lucy to the prom. I thought the same as Gajeel. We are dating so shouldn't it be an instant thing? I don't want to mention it though, if thats how Levy reacted to Gajeel I would hate to see what Lucy would do. I've seen the way she kicks, I ain't risking my life over one stupid question.

Gray POV

Juvia is going to hate me. Juvia is going to hate me. Juvia is going to hate me. How the hell do you ask a girl at to prom. Thats it i'm done, my life is over before I ever really got to live it. I'm going to screw this whole thing up then she is going to go all yandere or whatever it is and stab me to death. I'm going to die before i've even graduated high school. I wonder if creating a new life in mexico under the name Lupe' would help my situation?

Juvia POV

I glance over at Gray again and see sweat building up on his forehead. "Gray-sama, are you alright? Juvia thinks you don't look well"

Gray looks at me with a hint of fear in his eyes. "Yeah i'm fine." He gives a nervous laugh and then continues to stare straight ahead of us with a straight face and wipes away the sweat. Something sure is weird about today.....

Lucy POV

Something is going on with Gray and Natsu. I bet it has something to do with prom after seeing what happened between Levy and Gajeel. It's quite amusing that it has made them worry that much. I wasn't really that surprised that they thought it was an automatic thing though, they are all quite dense.

We finally make it to the next class and find our seats at our desks. Me and juvia and behind is Natsu and Gray which I don't know how that works but somehow it does. Weirder things have happened I guess.

"Hey Lucy can I ask you something" I look up beside me to see Sting standing next to my desk. I have never really talked to him that much before so I don't know him too well. He is very quiet in class but him and Natsu still have the occasional fight.

"Uh, yeah sure. Go ahead" I respond politely. I heard what I presume is Natsu's chair move. Probably wondering what he what's that has to do with me. Natsu is so overprotective.

Sting glances back in Natsu's direction and smirks before turning back to me to ask the question. This can't be any good. "Lucy, do you want to maybe go to the prom with me?" And before I could respond with anything. Natsu has already spear tackled Sting to the floor. Why am I not surprised?

"Natsu you idiot" Gray says getting up from the table and trying to separate them. Then Gray gets punched and he ends up joining, in the end it turns into an all out classroom brawl. Juvia and I make our way to cover under a table in the back of the class. Tables are pushed a side and chairs are flying. Where is the teacher when you need them?

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING" Erza is seen at the door with pure anger seen extremely clearly throughout all of her body language and facial expression. Everyone has stopped fighting now and nervously stares at Erza waiting for punishment because they know that there is no use running.

"Who started this?" Everyone quickly gets up and points towards Natsu and Sting who are left on the floor trembling. I would go over there and help out Natsu but this is Erza we are talking about. It's best not to do anything. Breathing is close to crossing the line in these situations.

"Don't do it again, alright?" Natsu and Sting nod their heads. Erza then makes her way back into the corridor and continues on her way which is strange. Erza usually beats them till they are black and blue.

"Juvia thinks there is something wrong with Erza-san" Juvia says to me. We get up from our hiding place and make our way back to our seats since the room has regained normality and it's safe to now walk around. "Do you think it may have something to do with Jellal?"

"That's the only reason I can think of. We have to give her time though, there isn't anything much we can do about that relationship. On the note of relationships, I think the boys are having problems with the whole prom thing. It would be best if you drop hints of how you want Gray to ask you out"

"OK Lucy, Juvia will do that. It is a shame we can't do anything for Erza though" Juvia says with a worried tone.

"I agree"

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