When it was almost done, I made my way to the toilet. I found the sleeping pills and took four of them in my right pocked, the one without the small notebook and phone. Before my aunt could suspect a thing, I made my way back to the kitchen. I dropped four pills in the boiling food, and stirred the meat soup.

The food was done. I placed one saucer with soup in front of her. Clara couldn't stand it if I ate food with her. Not that I cared, it seemed to benefit me right now.

I made my way out of the kitchen. I planned to wait in my room for about five minute, and then go. She would be fast asleep then, but she took my wrist before I had the chance to make my way to my room.

A loud slap was heard, and it took me about five seconds to understand that Clara had slapped me. I didn't give her a response. I didn't even flinch away from her. But on the inside, I was petrified.

Clara let my hand go, turned around, and sat down with the soup in front of her. "That's for not cleaning the house," she muttered. I was annoyed with her. My cheek did really sting. I noticed her stressed body-languish and almost felt bad for her.

Too bad she decided to let me down when I loved her the most, and too bad for her I was about to escape.

I didn't bother wait another minute as I made my way outside. The rain was still pouring, but I had at least daylight.

I picked up my bag and ran towards the forest. However, before the trees embraced me, I turned around.

I was surprised when I saw my aunt looking at me from the kitchen window, but I was even more surprised by my action. I showed her my middle finger.

I waited no more as I bolted into the forest, leaving my past behind for every step I ran.


The trees I ran past looked extremely scary. For years, my aunt had tried to scare the crap out of me with stories about the woods. It seemed that now, the stories crept into my head, making it impossible for me to concentrate.

I still had daylight, seeing as it was still early in the morning. However, the deeper I came in the forest, the darker it proceeds to be. The trees covered most of the sunlight I had now, but I had to keep running.

For half an hour, I did nothing but running, dodging roots and the low branches. I was beginning to become tired, but it surprised me I had run for so long. I was never really the active sport person before, but it seemed like nothing could stop me now.

I ran in zigzag, turning left abruptly, then turning right again; all that so if my aunt ever decided to run after me, she wouldn't find me.

After an hour with intense running, I planned to stop.

Before I came to the stopping part, though, I managed to stumble in a root sticking out. Since I was running in the tempo I did, I somewhat flew for two seconds before the gravity pulled me down. I landed hard, but my leg was hit the worst. The bag was a meter away from me. It must have slipped my hands when I fell. I didn't make a sound, but one of my leg made me whimper in pain.

I laid in the uncomfortable position for about five minutes. I had to calm my breath, and my leg seemed broken. I hoped it wasn't; this place freaked me out. I just wanted to make a fireplace or something.

I decided to crawl towards my bag, and bandage my leg. It was harder than I thought; the moss and rocks making my legs even more scratched. Since it rained, and since I couldn't walk to find any dry fuel, I gave up my job to bandage my leg. I didn't want the rain to soak my warm clothes. It wasn't worth it.

I picked up my bag. I was going to try to stand up so I could make my way to a tree. I could use it to my advance; it would shelter me for most of the rain.

My hands were shaking, as the rest of me, because of the coldness. I could feel the cold wind nipping on my cheeks, and it was dark now. The sun was supposed to be up for a longer time, but everything seemed strange her.

I made an effort in standing up, but ended up falling. This time, however, the searing pain from my leg made me scream out. I didn't bother trying again. It was obvious that I couldn't manage to do anything. With small sobs, I let myself embrace in the cold, dark forest.


My breath hitched when I heard the sound of a twig breaking. Someone was near, and someone didn't want me to know their presence.

I could hear footsteps coming towards me. My eyes were closed, but I guessed it was about two persons.

Thud, thud, thud, thud.

My heart was beating fast now, and I could feel myself growing more terrified than I've ever been.

My hands were shaking even more now, and it wasn't just because of the coldness that seemed to creep in on every part of my body.

Thud, thud, thud, thud.

They closed in on me, and I could feel their presence. But something was off. Even with my closed eyes, I could sense something extraordinary with them.

I heard whispers, and I was certain it was only two guys here now. What they could do to me was petrifying, but I didn't have the powers, or the strength to do anything.

I could feel a warm breath at my face. Out of curiosity, I opened my eyes. Nothing could prepare me for what I saw, and nothing could make the sight any less terrifying.


And puh-lease point out any typos!

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