Chapter 16 | New Beginnings |

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*After about 25 more minutes of driving he pulls up to his house.*

*Ashton looks up at him and tilts his head*

*Collins parks the car, then shuts it off. He puts a hand around Ashton and gets out.*

*Ashton chirps with curiosity, he clings to him*

*Collins pulls out keys and opens the front door. He walks inside of the house.*
"Welcome home"

*Ashton looks around the home, wagging his tail slightly he chirps loudly*

*His chirps echoes around the house. Collins puts him down and walks off.*
"Explore the house if you want"

*Ashton plops down to all fours and walks around slowly*

*The wooden floor creaks as he walks around*

*Ashton sniffs the wooden floor he keeps walking, leaving small scratch marks on the floor as he walks*

*Collins walks out to find the scratches*

*Ashton walks into the bathroom pushing the door open with his head. He looks inside sniffing around*

*Collins follows the scratches and it leads to Ashton going into the bathroom*

*Ashton sniffs around the bathroom, he walks over to the toilet and looks inside. He climbs up on it, he slips and falls in trying to climb off his chirps loudly in a panic as he splashes around in the toilet water*

*Collins runs in seeing him fall in. He then grabs him.*

*Ashton shakes slightly, his tail is all wet and he spits out a bit of toilet water*

*Collins sighs and places him in the bathtub. He turns on the bath and the tub starts to fill.*

*Ashton lowers his ears as he backs away from the approaching water. He hisses at the water*

*Collins places a hand on his shoulder.*
"It's fine"

*Ashton looks at him then back at the water as it hits his hands, he sniffs the water. He sticks out his tongue and licks it*

*Its warm*

*Ashton shakes his head then slowly dips his body in the water as he does Collins can see all the water get darker with all the dirt and bodily fluids left on Ashton*

*Collins's eyes widen*

*Ashton gets waist deep in in the water and splashes around a bit and chirps happily*

*The water starts to turn black and Collins opens the drain.*

*Ashton watches as the water slowly drains. He scratches his neck a bit, Collins can see his neck is all bruised with small cuts around it*

*Collins sighs and grabs some soap.*

*Ashton chirps at him curiously*

*Collins plugs the drain again.*

*Ashton watches him, then shakes the water off himself like a dog*

*The water starts to fill the tub and Collin wash's him.*

*Ashton flinches a bit as Collins washes him*

*Collins pats his back and scrubs him.*

*Ashton relaxes a bit and sniffs the soap*

*It smells good to Ashton.*

*Ashton wags his tail and licks it, he then spits out coughing and gagging*

16+ Bnha 2nd Gen | Younger Days | SidestoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora