Chapter 1 | Drilled |

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(This is Book Number 1.5 an optional book. But this does fill in some background details. If you have not read Volume one. Please back away from this book slowly and go find Volume one.)

-2410, July Tuesday 27th-
*Bakugo runs into the Todoroki Agency with Kirishima. Both of them are in their hero suits*
"COME ON RIOT!! You took so long to say goodbye to Iwahatsu. We are late for the mission meeting"

*Kirishima sighs running following him* "Sorry!"

*Bakugo grabs his arm and starts blasting them towards the elevator*

*Kirishima gets dragged towards the elevator*

*He throws Kirishima inside and presses the top floor.*

*Kirishima sighs*

"Why... why do you take so long to kiss him goodbye?!"
*Bakugo growls*

"Because hes our son! And I love him!" *Kirishima snears*

*Bakugo rolls his eyes, he is about to blow up on him again. But he relaxes and sighs*
"We aren't there for him... most of the day... he is with the Nanny"

"I just wish we can spend more time with him.." *Kirishima says*

*He nods in agreement*
"But... our work takes us all over the city and different prefectures...and when we get home... we are fucking exhausted... though... that's when we actually get jobs... you are stuck with parking tickets... and I get stuck with either crowd control or... fucking paper organizing!"

*Kirishima sighs and nods* "We are missing precious moments in Iwahatsu's life Dynamight..."

"There isn't much we can do... sense we were outed by the fucking news... and other sources... we haven't been given many jobs that we can enjoy!... we had to sell off a lot of furniture... toys... and other stuff just to pay for the late rent... which... we had to pay before we were evicted..."
*Bakugo says leaning on the wall.*

*Kirishima nods* "And now we live in a one room apartment... that can't even hold the three of us... and the neighbor watch's over Iwahatsu while we are gone... but we call her a 'Nanny'... which isn't wrong in this case..." *Kirishima says as he sighs heavily.*

"She did do Nanny work for years in the past before her husband past away........ If only we weren't outed... none of this would be a problem..."
*Bakugo sighs*

"If we didn't get this special case mission to follow... I don't think we would even have enough money... to pay off the rent this month." *Kirishima says shaking slightly.*

*Balugo walks over and hugs him.*
"This mission will help pay off the rent... we may even be able to get some proper food..."
*Bakugo says over placing a hand on Kirishima's shoulder.*

*Kirishima hugs him and nods*

*The elevator dings and the door opens on the top floor. Bakugo lets him go and starts heading towards Endeavor's office*

*Kirishima steps out following Bakugo*

*The two run into the office. Endeavor is sitting at his desk, he looks up and frowns*

*Kirishima sighs* "Sorry sir...that's my fault."

"It doesn't matter who's fault it is!... nevertheless here's your mission assignment. There are reports of a villains who has been robbing banks left and right. The only traces left are drill holes in the vault door locks."
*Endeavor says standing up.*

*Kirishima gulps listening to Endeavor*

"I want you two, to go to the bank in Tokyo's richer area. That's where we are expecting them to strike next."
*He says pulling out a file.*

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