Chapter 3 | P-Papa Kiri? |

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-24 hours later-

*Kangaeta was picked up the day before. Bakugo wakes up in the hospital bed with Iwahatsu. To which the smaller is cuddling tightly into Bakugo.*

*Bakugo sighs nuzzling Iwahatsu*

*Iwahatsu whimpers in his sleep.*

*Bakugo holds him close* "Shhh its ok.."

"Papa.... please..."
*Iwahatsu says in his sleep*

*Bakugo sighs*

*Iwahatsu shoots up awake*

*Bakugo pats his head* "Shh calm down son.."

*Iwahatsu turns to Bakugo and grabs him.*
"Papa Baku~~"
*Iwahatsu moans in sobs*

*Bakugo holds him close*

*There is a knock on the door and one of the doctors from yesterday walk in. He looks scared and worried*
"We... we did all we could... it doesn't look like he will live for about one hour..."

"May we see him?" *Bakugo asks starting to choke up*

"That would be for the best."
*The doctor says walking over and removes the IV from Iwahatsu.*

*Bakugo picks up Iwahatsu and heads to Kirishima's room*

*They walk into his room, Kirishima's chest is covered in wires and pipes. Bakugo walks up and places Iwahatsu on the bed.*
*He cries heavily clinging to him.*

*Bakugo walks closer to Kirishima*

*Bakugo can see that Kirishima is still unconscious. Iwahatsu crawls into his chest hugging him. He starts to cry more hugging him.*

"Oh fuck..." *Bakugo starts crying*

"Papa... papa... please..."
*Iwahatsu cries, Bakugo sits down and takes Kirishima's hand. But as he takes his hand the heart monitor flatlines, and Kirishima lets out a final heavy breath as he dies*

"No KIRISHIMA! You have to fight this please!" *Bakugo squeezes his hand which starts to run cold fast*

*Iwahatsu's eyes widen as he hears the flatline and his breath*
"P-Papa.... P-Papa Kiri?"
*Iwahatsu says looking at Kirishima and shaking him slightly in tears. He then turns his head to Bakugo*
"Is... is Papa K-Kiri... dead?"
*He says starting to cry more*

"I...I'm sorry son... he's gone..." *Bakugo chokes out in tears*

*Iwahatsu looks at Kirishima and starts balling out his eyes, he hugs him tighter*
*Iwahatsu screams*

*Bakugo grips onto Kirishima's hand tightly. He brings it to his face and holds it. His tears start to wet his cold hand, Bakugo cry's more feeling it being so cold.*

*Iwahatsu's tears stream down his face like a waterfall. Some land on Kirishima's face and chest. A few tears roll into the wound. Iwahatsu rubs his face into his chest and keeps screaming*

*Bakugo sighs heavily crying, he pats Iwahatsus head*

*Iwahatsu's tears roll down more into the wound. He also starts hitting his chest.*

"Iwahatsu...dont.." *Bakugo chokes out as he goes to stop him*

*Iwahatsu pushes Bakugo's hand away and keeps going. His screams can be heard through out the hospital. Doctors come and look at what's with the screaming. When they see it's Kirishima, some scoff and others just roll their eyes. Patients in the lobby look concerned as they hear Iwahatsu screaming from the other side of the building. A few walk up to the desk and ask the attendants.*
"Red Riot is dead... that's his son screaming and crying..."
*Some people look upset, some frown, and other smirk like they are glad about it. After about 20 mins of the screaming and fight of unstoppable tears. The doctor walks over*
"We have to take him away. Please... please move"

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