Chapter 6 | Egg and Child |

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-cut to Japan-

*Iwahatsu is walking with Bakugo to the hospital from school.*

*Bakugo holds Iwahatsus hand as they walk* "How was school?"

"It was stupid!"
*Iwahatsu grunts*

"Why? What happened?" *Bakugo grunts*

"A teacher told me that I will never be a hero because my quirk is too destructive"
*Iwahatsu pouts*

*Bakugo growls* "Fuck that teacher."

*Iwahatsu frowns a bit and then nods. Bakugo picks up Iwahatus and starts blasting his way to the hospital.*
'I have to tell Kirishima we were kicked out of the apartment... but, Izuku officered us his couch. Till he can get us the money the agency had held back on us...'
*Bakugo thinks to himself*

*Iwahatsu pouts* "Ill show that teacher Ill be a great hero just like you papa! And like papa Kiri too!"

*Bakugo chuckles*
"Of course you will!"

*Iwahatsu smiles*

*Bakugo lands in front of the hospital. He then walks in with Iwahatsu still on his back. He walks up to the attendant*
"Here to see Eijiro Bakugo"

*The attendants nods* "Alright just a warning he may still be asleep"

*Bakugo nods and walks over to Kirishima's room. He walks up to the door and walks in. Kirishima is sitting up looking extremely bored*

*Iwahatsu peaks out behind Bakugos shoulder* "Papa Kiri!"

*Kirishima looks up and smiles widely*
*He holds out his arms*

*Iwahatsu slides off bakugos back and runs to Kirishima*

*Iwahatsu jumps into the bed, and hugs Kirishima tightly. Bakugo with a small smile walks over. Then Iwahatsu looks upset and uncomfortable*
"I need to go to the bathroom."
*He says getting off the bed.*

*Kirishima nods* "Alright."

*Iwahatsu runs out the door, Bakugo walks over to Kirishima and holds his hands*
"I have bad news..."

"What is it?" *Kirishima tilts his head*

"We... we were evicted"
*Bakugo sighs*

"W...what...?" *Kirishima says*

*Bakugo nods*
"We lost the apartment"

"Oh no...great just great..." *Kirishima sighs*

"It happened yesterday after We left... If Shoto wasn't there... we would be on the streets. He told Izuku and... he has offered us their couch's"
*Bakugo sighs*

"At least we have somewhere but I dont want to feel like a burden.." *Kirishima sighs*

*Bakugo growls*
"Izuku said that he would look at the books... he did, and founded out that they weren't paying us enough for what we were doing"

*Kirishima stares at him*

"Say... that we were to be paid... ¥20,000($185).... they were only giving us... ¥5,000($45)..."
*Bakugo sighs*

*Kirishima sighs not fully understanding* "I wouldn't be surprised..."

"They were cutting our salaries!"
*Bakugo growls*

*Kirishima's eyes widen and he growls slightly understanding* "That's not fair!"

"Of course it's not..."
*Bakugo sighs*

"We were the hardest working employees!" *Kirishima growls*

"Apparently that didn't matter to them."
*Bakugo says resting his head on Kirishima's lap.*

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