I is for Intimate

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Ik you guys want smut lol
I like torture

Sasuke is known throughout school to be a playboy. Not to be cliche, but he gets around with girls at school and doesn't like to be tied down. He  has a girlfriend but she will most likely be gone by next week. Though she has stayed longer than any other girlfriend he's had. Those girls are always lacking what Sasuke craves the most.


Though Sasuke has never felt intimacy, he knows he lacks it. The only bit of intimacy he feels is with Naruto. But he isn't gay like Naruto is. Naruto isn't his friend, but he's no stranger either. They have multiple classes together and talk from time to time but they don't hang out outside of school. But out of everyone, that is the only intimate connection he feels with anyone. However he isn't gay. He just casually flirts with the blonde a lot, and the blonde flirts back knowing it's all playful. He knows Sasuke has a girlfriend. So it's all just for fun.

Sasuke may think about the blonde a lot, but that's just because he wants to be his friend. Not lover. He's not gay.

"Oww!" Sasuke heard. He looked down and saw the blonde with his books on the floor next to the raven. Naruto bent down to get them and couldn't help but stare. Naruto smiled and blushed deeply.

"Having fun?" Naruto asked smirking. Sasuke chuckles nervously, losing his words.

"Oh thanks for the help with picking up the books you dropped." Naruto says rolling his eyes playfully. Sasuke chuckled more confidently.

"Oh yeah, sorry for bumping into you, sweety." He winked.

"Well you can bump into me anytime you'd like." Naruto winked back. Sasuke bit his lip and opened his mouth to speak.


"Sasuke!" He heard Sakura yelled down the hall. Before she could get to Sasuke, Naruto looked up at Sasuke and laughed.

"Good luck with that." He said in a sarcastic tone then walked away. Soon after that Sakura ran to his side and hugged him. Naruto was long gone and Sasuke felt that empty feeling when they would stop talking. Like he was lost.

"Sasuke, why are you sad?" Sakura asks. He just shook his head. He almost felt bad, then remembered he was Sasuke Uchiha.

"I'm fine, baby." Sasuke said and kissed her cheek as she giggled.

Philosophy. A great class. A class that Sasuke actually cared about. And what made it all better was Naruto was in there. And they talked a lot in that class. It made Sasuke's mood happier. He smiled to himself when he saw Naruto sitting in their usual seat. But frowned when he saw someone sitting in his seat.

It was some boy with long brown hair. The ponytail was low and his eyes a faded lilac that Naruto seemed to be entranced by. Sasuke growls lowly. He drug himself to another seat without saying much. Mainly thoughts running through his head. Why didn't the blonde save his seat? Why didn't he try to get the brunette to move? Why didn't he look his way and smile like every time? Did Naruto not want to talk? Was he upset?

Sasuke was upset. Visibly upset. He angrily stared at the blonde and brunette from across the room. He saw the blonde laughing and giggling. The brunette getting a little touchy. Sasuke hated it.

The minute the teacher released them to work on their projects anywhere on campus, Sasuke went to the library. Somewhere he knew the blonde would be. He planned to confront him.

When he entered, he saw the blonde laying on a bean bag chair. He smiled at the cuteness and sat in the bean bag next to him.

"Oh, hey Sasuke." Naruto grinned.

"Hey. You know that posture can really hurt your back if you aren't too careful." Sasuke winked. Naruto blushes deeply and laughed.

"What would you know about positioning?" He winked back. Sasuke smirked.

"I know way more than you think." Sasuke said in a deep voice.

That caught Naruto off guard. He looked at Sasuke with an unreadable expression. Mainly because he didn't know how to respond. But he played it off and chuckled.

"Sure you do play boy."

"What do you don't believe me?" Sasuke asks. Naruto shakes his head.

"I could show you." Sasuke said. Naruto laughed while blushing tremendously.

"I'm serious." Sasuke winked. Naruto laughed harder.

"Boys please! This is a library. I'm gonna have to kick you two out." The woman said, scaring the two. Sasuke rolled his eyes and got up.

"Whatever, gramps." He said getting up out of his chair. Naruto blushed.

"So sorry Ms. Claufield." He said getting up and leaving the area, following Sasuke.

"Sasuke, that was so mean!"

"What? She deserved it! Not wanting kids to have fun." Sasuke rolled his eyes. Naruto sighed and chuckled.

"Naruto, why didn't you save my seat?" Sasuke asks. Naruto frowns.


"Why. Didn't. You. Save. My. Seat?" He said walking closer to Naruto. Now that they were alone, he couldn't help but feel different. Like he didn't have the burden of people watching.

"I-I didn't know you cared that much about it." Naruto frowned. Sasuke sighed.

"It's not about the seat itself-"

"Then what is it about then?" Naruto said raising his voice a bit. Sasuke blushed and chuckled. Naruto wasn't laughing. Nor smiling. He stared blankly at Sasuke.

"I don't know, Naruto. It's a seat. I sit there. So it's mine. It's about discipline. If it isn't yours don't take it." Sasuke said.

"So it isn't about me at all?" Naruto asks.

"No! Why would it be? I'm not gay. I didn't take you to be someone who took flirty jokes seriously." Sasuke said.

"Whatever. You're so full of bullshit." Naruto mumbles. He had to admit. Those words hurt. He began walking away until his arm was pulled back. He saw an expression on the raven's face he had never seen. Compassion.

"I-I'm sorry, Naruto. The truth is, I don't know what I'm going through. I-I'm not gay." Sasuke repeated and shook his head. Naruto smiled in a sorrowful way. He grabbed Sasuke's cheek and smiled.

"Would you like to find out?" Naruto asks. He was waiting for a no. But Sasuke put his arms around the blonde and held him close. Naruto connected their lips and made it all the better. Sasuke felt like he was in heaven. He wanted to keep his lips attached to the blonde's. But he had to pull away for a breath of air, then reattached his lips to the blonde's. He backed the blonde against the wall and their mouths began moving against eachother's. Sasuke held the blonde a little closer, and Naruto's hand stayed caressing the raven's cheek. Once they pulled away, Naruto saw the confused look on the raven's face.

"I-I-what happened?"

"I-I understand if you freak out and start to hate me-"

"No," Sasuke said and held Naruto's hand in his, "I could never. Freaking out? Maybe." He said and chuckled nervoisly. Naruto smiled softly.

"I'm glad. What are your feelings right now?" Naruto asks.

"All I can think of right now is another kiss."

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