He had a lot of frightening experiences but he never mentioned it knowing that the older would probably go nuts, and also he wasn't sure if it was really a person who's following him and he's just overreacting over small things as he was being a pussy cat.

"It's nothing serious so you don't have to worry." He nervously added as he could see the elder's face turn into a very serious one, Seokjin knew there was more and Jimin was hiding it but he chose to slide it off knowing that Namjoon got his eyes on Jimin. Yeah, the other told him since he was also getting concerned about Jimin, and also Namjoon didn't want to lose his one and only beautiful Kim Seokjin so he confessed. Seokjin promised not to tell so that their little plan will be saved, so their thing goes on.

"Just, don't walk alone often, especially at night. You have to trust your guts sometimes so if you feel like you need to run then run," The older advised him "it's better to think in advance to be sure rather than running when it's too late" He added earning a little smile and nod from Jimin who was now eating the sandwiches the older made.

"How's Jungkook?" The older asked, and yes Jimin blushed at the name. He didn't see Jungkook yesterday since the other was busy and he also wasn't sure if they'll meet today since he didn't text him yet. They both agreed on not seeing each other everyday 'cause you know.. THEY ALWAYS SEE each other around the campus and it was not healthy if they still see each other even off campus.

"W-why? I actually didn't see him around.. Today" Jimin stuttered, he scolded himself for that. He knew he was too obvious, he assumed Seokjin knew already that he likes Jungkook by the way he acts.

"Hm, I haven't seen Valerie either.. She's being quiet these days." The older says sounding a little worried. Jimin stayed quiet the whole time when Seokjin started to talk about Valerie and what got him to talk again was Namjoon who arrived from the store.

It was Sunday and he was the one who bought the groceries since it was his turn, every week both Seokjin and him take turns on who's going to buy the groceries.

"Jungkook drove me back here, aren't you going to meet him Jimin? He's probably in his unit by now." The older informed him while putting all the grocery bags he was carrying on the kitchen counter.

You see, telling Jimin where Jungkook is became a habit 'cause since last week they both always search for each other and ask to the guys also they always spend the day hanging out together so, the older guys got used to it.

"H-he didn't tell me to come over though?" He replied simply while glancing at his phone.

"He was searching for you earlier and I told him I don't know since I wasn't expecting you here" the older explained, helping Seokjin to organize all the things he bought.

"I see." He hummed while nodding his head softly.

"It's okay if I barged in there right?" He asked while walking towards Namjoon and Seokjin who looked at him with a 'are you serious' look.

"Even if you live there he won't mind" Seokjin replied and this made Jimin's cheek go red in seconds, damn only if he could just say and warn the older not to say jokes like that, he'd do it a couple of times before. But they don't know if he really likes Jungkook or not so he can't just say it, even if they kind of assumed Jimin liked the other by the way he reacts, they still didn't have enough proof to say that he really did.

"I-I'll head out for a bit." He bid his farewell before walking out the kitchen and into the front door, he swore he heard the couple had a little argument about Namjoon buying salt instead of sugar before he closed the door behind him.

What he didn't hear was, when he closed the door behind him and started walking towards Jungkook's unit, was Seokjin 'awwing' 'cause Jimin was just too obvious that he likes Jungkook.

"He looks really cute when he's fluttered don't you think?" Soekjin 'awwed' once again earning a little chuckle from the other.

"You should not flatter him like that, he must be shy for looking so red in front of us." Namjoon scolded him but without being offensive. Seokjin just laughed at that as they continued on organizing the groceries.

Jimin who was now in front of the elder's front door was staring at the doorbell if he should ring it or not. The walk didn't take to long as he just needs to turn right after he got out Namjoon and Seokjin's unit then pass a few doors to Jungkook's unit.

He was hesitant about coming in since, damn Jungkook didn't text him for God's sake, maybe the older didn't want to see him so he stayed there frozen while staring at the door bell.

He gathered all his courage before finally ringing the doorbell after what felt like hours of deciding if he should just go back or not. He waited for a moment there but he received no reply, or the door opening for him.

He sighed knowing that Jungkook probably didn't want to see him today.

Jungkook's POV

Finding a parking spot was a bitch, it took me for about almost 15 minutes to find one, I wasn't informed that there was a lot of people who lives in this building. That's unusual because normally the parking lot looked empty for like, everyday.

I drove Namjoon hyung home since I saw him on the street and yes I was going home so I picked him up, I was just having a little lone drive for me since I didn't want to disturb Jimin today, I wanted to see him but hell nah I would ruin his day without me.

"I'm hungry" I mumbled while getting out of the elevator, I walked towards where my unit is and when I turned right there I saw a familiar figure standing in front of my front door while looking down.

He looked devastated and I could hear him sigh once again when I walked closer to Jimin who was still looking down on his hands.

Why the hell is he here?

End of POV

Jimin was a little gloomy since Jungkook didn't open the door for him after ringing the bell for like several times now. The thought of Jungkook didn't arrive yet didn't even pass his mind, since Namjoon had told him he was already there.

"Uh, mister you wouldn't mind I open the door for us to come in hm?" Jungkook says while he showed Jimin his key card, Jimin looked back at him surprised by the other's sudden appearance, the older just smiled at him widely.

"Why are you here?" He asked while opening the door and letting Jimin go in first.

Damn, Jimin felt so embarrassed gladly no one has to know what he was thinking earlier, that was stupid.

"I was.. Just visiting you since I came by Seokjin hyung's place" Jimin replied quietly, while Taking off his shoes and putting it beside Jungkook's. The older closed the door behind him and they both walked towards the living room.

"I thought you didn't want to see me, so I didn't text you. I don't want to disturb you on whatever you're doing" Jungkook replied while pulling Jimin for a hug in which Jimin hugged back.

"I honestly thought you didn't want to see me since you didn't open the door." Jimin confessed while burying his face into the elder's chest that's now vibrating 'cause Jungkook was laughing.

Forget about the no one has to know about what he was thinking earlier, since damn he just can't help it when it's Jungkook.



It's school I swear, and also I enjoyed reading other fanfics these days- *just sharing :3* Anyways! THANKS FOR 1.7K READS AND 653 VOTES!✊😤❤ 🎉

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