Miki Hatake

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My name is Miki Hatake. I'm 12 years old right now. My birthday is October 9. I am a big fan of Naruto Uzumaki and I have a major big crush on him. I live alone in my apartment and work in a small cafe. I can't really go to school cause I can't afford it and I'll be behind anyway.
I have long brown hair and large gray eyes. I only have three hobbies.
1.)watching Naruto
2.)listening to music
3.) sleeping and eating
I guess that makes it four cause it's sleeping AND eating... Anyway like I said a huge fan of Naruto. I can be really loud but really quiet if I want to. I'm from New Jersey in America. My dreams are to soon go to Japan and become a fashion designer. I really like designing clothes, but I'm more of a Naruto fan and I can get more Naruto Manga from there.
That's all I can really tell about myself everything else is kind of boring and useless. Imma go sleep now peace... * Miki then falls asleep away even though it's 3 o'clock in the afternoon...*
I hope you like this first short chapter of my story about Miki. I know it's short but it's like 2:15AM right now where I live so like yeah. I promise I'll make the first chapter awesome and I'll make it long alright.

Naruto Uzumaki... I'm stuck in his World!?(Naruto-love story) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now