Chapter 20

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Few days before the premiere and the tension was sensible throughout the theatre. Everyone was still on edge since the Phantom incident despite the month that had almost passed. Being so close to the opening, wasn't something that helped them either.

As per the usual routine, they were rehearsing the whole opera; act by act. They were almost done with Act I, earning a nod of approval by the opera's two veterans. Everyone was too busy with their roles, their responsibilities; to notice the man hidden in the shadows.

A pair of light blue eyes rested on Juliette's form as she danced her part along with the rest of the Corp. Their attention quickly went to a glass pink spray bottle that rested on a red pillow not too far away from him.

The said bottle belonged to none other than the loud Prima Donna, who used it daily. Erik never went against the spray's use since the woman was only signing from her throat, straining her voice; hence why the spray was of vitals importance of hers.

He waited until everyone was focused on the finishing ballet part, knowing very well that they will be signalled for theirs. Once the moment arrived, the masked man quickly switched the spray bottle with an identical one.

His black leather gloved hand retreated into the shadows before anyone could even realize what had just happened. He stayed in the shadows, making sure to avoid contact and waited; waited for the moment.

Soon, the Italian Diva walked towards the spray, and one of her dressers took the liberty to spray into the woman's mouth.

Erik almost smirked as he anticipated his plan to act. For a very long time, he had wished to make the woman pay for her behaviour and terrible acting. Of course, all his warnings had been harmless and were simple to scare her away.

Unfortunately, though, the previous manager and even the current ones weren't pleased with that. They kept beginning her to come back, so often that her ego doubled in size and a part within him told him that he played a role in that as well.

Of course, he never decided to accept it as true and instead ignored it; focusing on the more important stuff.

He watched as the woman walked to the stage, pushing a ballerina or two aside; much to his displease. She waited for the choir to end, to 'grace' everyone with her high pitched and off-note voice.

However, the moment she opened her mouth to sing; a croaking sound came out instead. Faint laughter came from the men above them, the stagehands trying to hold a serious face.

The Diva ignored them and tried again, only for the situation to repeat itself. A third time followed, this time it was the whole cast that had burst out laughing. Some much louder and some had the manners to cover their mouth and try to hold on themselves.

"Mama!" Carlotta shouted with tears in her eyes as she ran away from everyone and headed towards her dressing room.

The phantom didn't know if those tears were real or not, and he didn't care. He had accomplice his goal. He was about to leave when he felt a set of eyes on him, for a moment he thought it was the ballet mistress with her scolding and disapproving look.

But no, this pair was purple and belonged to the woman he had given his heart to.

Juliette had witnessed everything and knew that her masked lover was behind all this. As if she could see or sense him, she turned her attention into a specific part of the shadows and saw a pair of light blue eyes looked back.

They glowed dangerously under the faint light and reminded her of a predator ready to strike on its prey. Of course, no fear came but a small sense of intrigue. She wanted to go to him or play his game, but she had a rehearsal to do.

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