Chapter 18

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The next day, it was Sunday and as usual; most of the cast went to the mass, and after it, most were planning to go out of the Opera and enjoy their life. Juliette, as per usual, had stayed inside despite the favouring weather outside.

The reason why? A letter

Most specifically, a letter from Erik.

It wasn't unusual for him to send her letters even though she thought they had passed that phase. What was unusual was the content of it which ordered her to come to his lair. She hasn't done something before; since Erik was always there to guide her like the gentleman, he was.

Neither the less, she had worn her usual outfit and made her way towards the underground lair that the Phantom called his home. She made sure to take the path with the fewer traps and avoid all of them, thanking her good memory.

As she walked into the cave/house, she came to a halt when she spotted Erik. He was sitting on his red armchair, a book on his hands. However, his eyes were locked on her form, and his face showed that he wasn't in any good mood at that moment.

She knew why, though, or she presumed as much. There was no other explanation in her mind as to why he would be so moody and cold with her.

"So you know," she said and dropped her shoulders slightly as he shut the book closed with a little more force than needed and placed it on the small table next to the armchair.

"Yes. Even though I do not appreciate that Antoinette was the first to know instead of me. Last time I checked, she barely knows about you; unlike me."

"Trust me. If you listened to us, you must have seen that I didn't intend to say anything."

"Including to me?" he asked as he stood up and walked towards her.

"Of course not. I would tell you about it"



"When?" he asked again as he stood now in front of her, his temper getting the best of him.

"Once I was ready, okay? I am as shocked as you are."


"Is that so? Then why didn't you show me your face from the very start."

"That is irrelevant," the man said and started to walk away from her.

"Is it now?"



Erik greeted his teeth and turned his right hand into a fist to control his temper. He was in a foul mood and her going up against him with her stubbornness didn't help at all. How on earth did his face could be compared to her secret anyway?

"Doesn't matter. One letter from me and they will be patrons no more. You do not have to hide from them any longer."

"No, the Populaire needs patrons," she said as her own anger disappeared and walked to him, grabbing his hand and making him look at her. It was the only way she could persuade him for good.

"There are others who can take their place," he said as he looked at her, now calmer but still on edge.

"Erik no. Do not do this" Juliette said as she looked at him with pleading eyes and silence appeared between the two of them. It didn't last for long as someone cleared his throat and drew their attention from each other to the entrance.

The same man from the stables, the other night; the man that Erik had called 'Daroga'.

"I am with Juliette on this one. You cannot go around bossing people, Erik. Especially on matters outside of the Opera."

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