Chapter 12

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The next morning, Antoinette grabbed the chance to visit the lonely Ghost before her lessons start. She knew he would be awake this early, and if he weren't, she would wake him up by pulling that ear of his.

To say that she wasn't upset; it would be a big lie. She was a lot. After finding out or better said witnessing the secret bond between her ballerina and Erik was enough to give her a restless sleep.

She was happy that the tortured boy she saved all those years ago had found someone to love, but that didn't mean she wouldn't have a saying in this and give a fair warning. Juliette had no idea who Erik truly was, and she had to protect her from him.

She used the secret paths, and after some walking and passing by rats and puddles, she came to the opening of his cave/lair/home. She stood next to the lake and into the main room that was connected to it.

It had an organ at one side and a piano at the other, red couches and an armchair and steps leading to his desk where dozens of Juliette drawings were hanged, taped and placed. Dozens and dozens of candles were all over her, but they had almost died by being burning all night long.

Music sheets were on the floor, on the small table among the couches and on the piano. Mirrors were covered by red velvet curtains and were placed against the rocky walls of the cave. On the lake, was a small boat with two lanterns at the front and a skull.

"Antoinette? What are you doing here?" A voice came, and she stopped looking over the many drawings of her ballerina. She turned her body and looked at Erik, who stood at the other side of the room and also the door that led to the kitchen and bathroom.

He wore a pair of simple black pants and a white shirt that exposed much of his toned chest while its sleeves were rolled up to an elbow length. His black wig was on his head with the silk black hair smoothed back, and so was his white mask that hid the deformity he was born with.

"I came here to talk to you, Erik... about Juliette" at the mention of the girl's name, his muscled stiffened but he held his face neutral. He leaned on the nearby wall of the cave and folded his arms in front of his chest.

"What could have you to tell me about one of your ballet rats?"

"That you stay away from her Erik or knowing you, I know you won't; so be careful. The game you are playing is, indeed, dangerous."

His eyes widen as she emphasized the word, the same words of the song they sang last night. It was obvious now, she was there, and she had seen it. His small act wouldn't work on her.

Damn you, Ann, he thought and took a deep breath as he closed his eyes.

"I do not need your warnings, Ann. I know what I am doing."

"Do you know? Because singing in the middle of the stage for anyone awake to see and even actually be seen by another ballerina doesn't show me that you do" she said, her voice strict in a motherly tone as she hit her cane on the ground.

"Spare me the trouble. It happened once, and the matter is taken care of" Erik said and opened his eyes before start walking towards his piano, ignoring the ballet mistress. "A person finally loves me, and you have to barge in like I committed a murder."

"I do it to protect you, Erik; both of you."

"Fine *sits on the stool in front of the piano* Next time I will bring her here and deliver her back in the morning. Happy now?" he said, irritation hearable by his tone as he slammed some keys of the piano.

"I will be once you both realize where you are heading. Love is not a game Erik, it not like the books and much different from how we imagine it. Do not go around and play with it."

Ice & Fire (Erik x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora