Chapter 7

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The big day finally arrived, the day of the premiere. Juliette was on stage, singing the last lyrics of the finishing Aria. She had done splendidly so far, everything going smoothly and the audience didn't seem to mind the new Prima Donna.

She, of course, wore her usual makeup, but it was her voice that had entranced everyone. The dancing and the whole play itself were proof why Populaire had such fame and such name among not only people of Paris but also the world.

The song came to an end, and so did the music. The still worried white-haired girl stood in the middle of the stage, waiting. Suddenly, people stood up and started to clap, loudly enough that it echoed thoughout the big room.

A smile found its way on her face, and she gave a bow to the audience before joining the rest of the cast and gave a team bow. Then, the curtain fell, and she earned some clapping and congratulation from the people around her.

Some were even those who tortured her the past weeks but now seemed to have a certain respect for her. She had, after all, saved the show and gave a fine performance. Of course, there were many others, including Marie and her gang that wanted her to out of the Opera but could only glare silently.

Now that the show was over, the celebrations could begin; a tradition of the Opera Populaire that every night after a show; they would throw a small party. Alcohol mostly, some dancing and lots of kissing between cast members of ballerinas with their sponsors and some even potential lovers.

Juliette didn't even have to escape the party as she was quickly pulled away and to the safety of the dressing room that belonged to Carlotta to escape the wave of men with dozens of flowers.

She blushed a deep red from embarrassment and was thankful for the older woman who protectively stood her guard against the men who called her name.

"No, no no!" she shouted strictly and closed the big doors at the men's face before leaving a deep sigh.

Juliette looked around the dressing room.

It had pastel pink walls and portraits of the Diva everywhere; a body length mirror at one corner, a vanity next to it and across, a queen's size bed with a closet and a changing sheet.

Her eyes went back to the vanity where a beautiful white violin was rested there with a lavender bow on its neck. On top of the violin, was a white rose with its own lavender bow around the green stem.

She smiled and walked towards it, her hands gently picking up the rose and inhaling its sweet scent. She closed her eyes and thanked the Opera Ghost for his kind gift, unaware that the said man was watching from behind the body mirror.

Giry spotted the white rose, and her eyes narrowed, fully aware of the owner of the said rose but what got her attention more was the violin. It was a pure white one, the colour so bright and alien made the strings look invisible as you were creating music from thin air.

"Thank you, Madame Giry" Juliette said and stopped the racing thoughts of the ballet mistress.

"No need Juliette. You did well; I can see that he is proud" she said and motioned for the rose. "I will show those men the exit; you grab the chance to change and perhaps take part in the festivities. Remember, we have rehearsals again at 8, and the curfew still stands; this time by 12 o'clock."

"Yes, Madame. I won't be late."

The older woman gave a gentle caring smile to the young girl before leaving the room and ordering and shooing the men away.

Once alone into the room, Juliette grabbed the chance to dress in her simple clothes she favoured and wait until the area was clear and the place outside; quiet. Then, she walked silently and as usual, made her way towards the stables.

Ice & Fire (Erik x OC)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz