Chapter 3

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The next morning, Juliette was woken by Meg. Once dressed in her pants and shirt, face washed and breakfast eaten, the blond pulled her towards her dressing room.

"Come on, Juliette. Or we will be late" she said as she walked/ran while holding the wrist of the albino girl.

"Okay, okay. I am coming."

The two of them stopped in front of a dressing room.

"This will be yours from now on. Now come" Meg said as she opened the door and immediately went to a chest on the corner before start looking inside it, throwing out clothes and costumes in the process.

Juliette chuckled and looked around the room. Her eyes landed on the small vanity with a mirror or to be more precise on the white rose on it. Walking slowly, she picked up the white rose and noticed the black ribbon wrapped carefully around its thorny stem.

She took in the smell and smiled at the kind gesture before noticing the small card/note on the vanity.

Welcome to my Opera

She blinked in confusion at who could have sent this. At first, she thought it was the managers but the person talking about him or her and not on what we were supposed to if the managers wrote it.

She was snapped from her train of thoughts by Meg.

"Aha!" she said as she held a simply white-silver ballet costume. It was a tight blouse with long sleeves, a tutu skirt and stockings. At her other hand, she held a pair of ballerina shoes. "Hope this will fit you. Now, wear them, and I will be waiting outside."

With that said, the blond left the room but not before placing the clothing on the chair. Juliette let the rose gently on the vanity and made a mental note to grab a vase or something with water and place the rose there.

She grabbed the costume and went behind the changing curtain. Indeed, the costume fit her; almost. The sleeves stopped slightly above her wrist, and the waist felt slightly tighter than was supposed to be.

The material also pressed her chest, and the white-haired girl had to do some simple stretching to get used to the costume. The tutu skirt was thankfully normal and the stocking as well.

She wore the shoes and looked at them while moving her fingers, feeling strange wearing the specific kind of shoes after years. She grabbed the black ribbon from the rose and used it to tie her hair; the silk material feeling nice under her fingers.

Once done, she let the ponytail hang and looked herself in the mirror.

"I look like a ghost," she thought as she noticed how unusual the white-silver costume looked against her pale skin. "A dancing ballerina ghost in a tight costume" she joked and smiled at herself, not believing how fast things changed.

Yesterday she was on the streets and today was a member of the Populaire Ballet Corps.

She walked to the door and opened it, giving Meg a smile and a blush once the blond complimented her. Then, the two of them hurried to the stage.


They had started with a few warms up, and after it, they repeated the show's choreography while Juliette was looking. After two rehearsals of the first Act, she joined the group and mimicked their steps and moves.

She was often corrected by Giry but quickly fixed her mistake. She wasn't the only one. Other girls seemed to miss a step or not be graceful enough to the Madame's eyes which earned them a scolding correction.

It was tough initially, but after a while, she got used, and her muscled seemed to have awoken their memory when it came to ballet.

They were busy doing spins while forming lines of three with 4 ballerinas each. She was in the middle at the very back line, and Marie was in front of her. As they started to spin and used their left leg to perform the move, she felt something hit her leg that supported her weight.

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