Chapter 15

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A few months later and the winter, was long gone. In its place, the warm and slightly rainy spring had come. As usual, everyone in the Populaire was busy with another rehearsal; now due to the season, they had gone for happier ones and spring-related productions.

As Carlotta was singing her Aria along with the choir, and the ballerinas were waiting at the stage's wings, the two managers walked towards the stage. Behind them trailed a family of three and the 5 of them made their way on the stage.

The man was of average height, not as tall as Firmin but not as short as Andre. He had grey hair that had started to fall, exposing a small bald circle on the back of his head and a white well-combed moustache.

He was dressed in army clothes, his jacket holding many badges of honour. His whole posture and face screamed authority and military, giving a cold and judging aura as well.

By his side, was a woman of the same height with olive skin and dark brown thick hair, few strands had turn white due to growing age. She had light green eyes that seemed to stand out, unlike her husband's almost black ones.

She wore a dark green dress with puffy soldiers and short sleeves. Black lace was around the shoulders, collarbone and edge of her skirt while a black ribbon was around her thin waist and ended at a black bow at the back.

Her hands were long, fingers slender and covered by simple, elbow-length black gloves. Her left hand was occupied, holding the smaller hand of the third member of the company.

It was a little girl, around the age of 5 with thick dark brown hair and green eyes; being a younger version of the woman. She wore a light green dress with long sleeves and no lace, unlike her mother.

A gasp escaped Juliette's lips, her lavender eyes widen from shock as she recognized the family.

No, no, no, she repeated in her mind as she tried to stop the panic attack that was coming. She couldn't let them see her; she couldn't let her former family know that she was alive.

Her ears picked up the change in music, knowing that her dancing part was about to come; she closed her eyes shut. She found herself praying to her mother, begging for something to happen to save her.

As if she had been heard, the music stopped, and she opened her eyes.

"I am rehearsing here" Mr Reye, the maestro, said annoyed; as the group of 5 walked in the middle of the stage.

The two managers ignored him while motioning for everyone to gather around.

"We apologize Señor, we won't be long," the woman said, her Spanish accent thick and clear as day. The woman gave a small bow, and that seemed to somehow calm down the old maestro.

As everyone started to walk towards them, Juliette managed to hide into the crowd and then back away. She hid in the shadows deep into the wings, making sure not to be seen but her ability to see and hear.

Running away might have attracted someone's attention. She was also curious, wanting to know why the family was in the Populaire, to begin with.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to introduce you to our new Patrons! Leonardo and Luciana Dubois!", Firmin announced as the two adults gave a small bow while whispers started.

Carlotta cleared her throat and eyed the two managers carefully, making them both swallow the knot before Andre took the initiative.

"Señor, Señora... I want to introduce you to our Prima Donna for 4 seasons now, Signora Carlotta Gutticelli!" he said as the man kissed her extended arm and the woman gave a bow to the Diva.

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