Pretend Girlfriend

Start from the beginning

''Did she try setting you up with someone again?'' you chuckled.

The poor man groaned. ''No. Worse! Much worse!'' His hands found his hair in frustration. ''She has demanded that I bring a date to her annual Christmas dinner. A date!''

''Then bring a date,'' you shrugged.

Sherlock sat up. ''(Y/N), you know I absolutely cannot stand the company of people.''

''Then go without a date! You're a grown man. You can make your own decisions.''

He shook his head. ''No, I need to find a way to get my mother off my back. Something that will appease her and keep her out of my business. So... I came up with a plan.''

You were already getting a bad feeling. ''A plan?''

''Yes, which is what brings me here. I need you to come with me to my parents for Christmas. As my girlfriend.''

Your mouth fell open. ''Your what?!''

''Girlfriend. Well, pretend-girlfriend, but that is merely between us. We'll have to put up a good act since my mother is not easily deceived. But I'm sure the two of us can manage.''

''Sherlock! I am not going to your parents for Christmas and I am certainly not going to pretend to be your girlfriend! I just got broken up with!''

''Exactly! You have nothing better to do on Christmas Day, so you can come with me.''

You glared at him. ''I am not some dog for you to carry around and show off.''

''You shouldn't be alone during the Holidays, (Y/N). I will keep you company.''

''As my fake boyfriend.''

He smirked. ''Glad you get the idea.''

< >

You tugged at your dress, feeling far too exposed. ''I can't believe I actually let you convince me to do this.''

''Blame it on my charming personality,'' Sherlock grinned.

''Oh, shut up, you git!''

''Hush now, Darling. We have to put up a good show, remember? It has to be convincing. Come here.'' He wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer before knocking on his parents' door. ''Smile, Love,'' he whispered to you.

You fought the blush on your cheeks and mustered up a smile for the beaming Mrs Holmes in the doorway.

''Sherlock! You made it, my boy.'' She gasped. ''And you brought someone with you! Hello, my dear. What is your name?''

You politely shook her hand. ''I'm (Y/N), Sherlock's girlfriend. It's wonderful to finally meet you, Mrs Holmes.''

The elderly woman took a moment to stare at her son. ''A girlfriend? You got yourself a girlfriend? Oh, this is wonderful! Both my boys in a healthy relationship. Let me tell you, dear. These two had me worried for the longest time! I thought they'd be alone forever! I just had to do something, you know? But here you are!''

Sherlock rolled his eyes. ''Yes, mother. Would you mind letting us in now? It's bloody freezing outside.''

She stepped aside and ushered you both in, all the while fussing over you and how beautiful you were. ''Such a lucky man my son is!''

Sherlock smirked and winked at you as his mother doted on your every need.

''Come in, my dears! You should meet the rest of the family, (Y/N)!''

You were introduced to Sherlock's father in the parlour, where Mycroft and Greg were already seated and sipping Mrs Holmes' eggnog. Sherlock pulled you with him to his seat and gently took your hand in his as he addressed his father.

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