"Tae you cannot afford this right now." I whispered to him, I noticed him slightly calm down. He looked around at the crowd staring at him, they were all silent. He ran passed them and went to his dorm. I went to follow but Jimin pulled me back.
"Its best we give him a minute, kook." He told me, so I agreed and went to PE without him.


I finished all my classes and hadn't seen Tae since the incident. I wanted to talk to him but I really believed what Jimin said was the right decision.
It was around 7pm and I decided to go down to the cafe for a drink. There I saw Hoseok sitting at the table, picking at a garden salad.

I grabbed a water bottle from the vending machine and hesitatingly went to sit next to him. He looked up at me, then looked back down.
"Oh, Hey Jungkook." He said.
"Um, hey Hoseok." I replied. "Why are you sitting here alone?"

"I dont really know anyone Kook." He said. "And just so you know, I did not mean for that to happen earlier."
"Why should I believe you?" I asked him.

"Jungkook im literally sitting here alone! Eating a fucking garden salad." He shouted. "Kai and his gang asked me to start hanging with them, I declined. I saw the way they were treating you, Tae, and Jimin. I dont wanna be around people like that."

"Oh." I replied. "I thought you'd fit well with them."
"Jeez!" Hoseok said with a chuckle. "Have you seen them in the locker room? I would never." I laughed along with him. Kai and the guys were pretty disgusting.

We talked for a little while more, just normal things about him adjusting and stuff. Turns out its been harder on him than I thought. But he did find a friend out of Jimin, but could never hang with him since he was always with me and Tae.

"Y'know he told me about this guy he knew once, the one Tae's been bunking with?" Hoseok said.
I know this wasn't my place to hear this second hand from Hoseok, but it was the only way I would know whats going on with him.

"W-What did he say about him?" I asked.

"Apparently they were like, boyfriends? I don't know, I didn't really get the full story. The only other thing he said was that it didn't end very well, like at all. And that's why he's here."

"Then why would Yoongi come here?" I replied. "If Jimin's here to get away from him, why did he just show up? And in the middle of the year at that?"

"I mean he told me he got into some trouble but that was all."

"I dunno Kook." Hoseok said shrugging. "Maybe he didn't know Jimin was here. Maybe someone found out about their past."

After my talk with Hoseok I went to Tae's dorm.

"Uh Tae, you in?" I said from the other side.
"Yea Kook you can come in."

"I didn't wanna bother you because of what happened earlier." I told him.
"It's okay, I was hoping you would of came with me though." He responded.

"Well Jimin told me to give you some time to cool down so I listened. Where's Yoongi?"

"No clue." He said. "Haven't seen him since earlier. What did you wanna talk about though?"

I hesitated. "Tae I don't want you to leave."
"What do you mean Kook?" He said sitting up concernedly. "Im not going anywhere."

"Did you hear what the principal said though, Tae? You have one more chance to stay here. I don't wanna be here alone. I know I have Jimin but, what will I do when he's gone too? And Hoseok and Namjoon Hyung?"

"First Kook, have a little more faith in me." He said with a small chuckle. "And second, you can't be so codependent on everyone. We're all gonna go at some point, what we're you gonna do then? Come to college with us in a suitcase?"

"You're not funny hyung." I said hitting his arm even though I was smiling. "You're right, I guess. I'm just not very good at making friends."

"Well you made a friend out of me! Jimin and Joon too. Even that jerk Jung."
"Well Namjoon Hyungs' my roommate and a Jimins' just as awkward." I said. "And also Hoseok Hyung isn't even the monster you make him out to be, he's actually really nice. We had a conversation just before I came here. You know he didn't really mean for that fight, right Tae? He really wants to be friends with you."

"I just can't Kook."

"Can you at least tell me what happened between you two? So I can know why?"

"I-" he started but my phone started to ring. It was Hoseok.

"Hello?" I answered.

"I-, can you come here quick?" He replied. I jumped up.

"What's wrong?"

"It's Jimin and Yoongi. I'll talk later just come down fast."

You guys know what I'm gonna say so I'll just save it 0-0

Thank you for reading. This chapter has literally been in the works since 2020 (;'ٹ') but I never have any time because my teachers never give me a break :(

Thank you for still reading though and for the 4K reads it means a lot I promise

Much love,
Pineaxpples <3

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