№39|Aura Imprints

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“You were never a wolf in my eyes.” Barron spat out, grimacing down at his brother.

“You were never an alpha in my eyes.” Julius shot back, watching as his brother exited the room, simmering in anger.


Later that afternoon, Medusa sat at Barron's desk, looking over the pictures of her family. She ran her fingers over the outdated picture of her mother, father, and Medusa standing in front of the Egyptian Pyramids.

Her parents were adventurers, and having Medusa didn’t stop them. The small family of three would travel all around the world. From Atlantis to the Amazon Rainforest – her family did it all. It’s what fueled Medusa into research. While on these trips, Medusa’s mother would give her a notebook to write down all her findings… one that she still used to this very day.

Now that Medusa was grown up and studying the WhiteClad pack, her parents continued their adventures. She would check in on them from time to time, but she hadn’t seen them in months. All the talk about Barron’s parents were no help at all.

She couldn’t imagine what it would be like if her parents were in Barron’s parents' situation. She sighed, shaking her head. She was thankful her parents were safe.

She looked up from her notes. The compound had been strangely quiet since this morning, causing an uneasy feeling to form in the Luna’s stomach. She bit her lip, looking around. “Where is he?” She muttered.

She jumped up slightly when she felt Barron’s arms wrap around her. She lifted her hands to stroke his cheek. “Where have you been? I haven’t seen you since this morning.” The smell of dead animals lingered in the air. “How long have you been hunting?”

“Not that long.” Barron lied, kissing along her neck.

“Six plus hours.” Lawrence grimaced at the alpha from the doorway. “He hunted practically everything in the damn forest and dragged the entire pack along with him.”

“Don’t you wolves love a good hunt?” Medusa chuckled, moving onto the next photo that showed her parents and Medusa swinging on vines in the Amazon Rainforest.

“Oh, we do,” Vanessa plopped down on the office couch, “but whatever my idiotic brother dragged us on was not a hunt,” she judginingly pointed her finger at her older brother, “that was corpral punishment!”

“You’re just mad you couldn’t keep up.” Barron scoffed, nuzzling his nose on Medusa’s mark.

“None of us could keep up!” Yvette scolded, heaving heavily as she chugged down a glass of water. “I’m a Pastel and a Russian wolf, and even I couldn’t pass you!”

Medusa dropped her pictures on the desk. “Did anyone record the data?!” She asked hastily. The wolves shook their heads. “Idiots!” Medusa growled, slumping back down in her chair as she continued to flip through the pictures.

“Barron, you cannot just call the pack onto one of your damn ‘I’m pissed off’ hunts without warning us first!” Montego rubbed his shoulder, groaning as he sat down next to Vanessa.

“Yeah, this one was worse than the last!” Alistair groaned loudly, flopping down on the carpeted floor.

“Last time?” Malakai asked as Vanessa curled up in his lap.

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