Chapter 23 Proposal

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A year or two went by quickly for us all. We healed but never forgotten the traumatic events that occurred. Thomas ended up meeting a guy named Nico and now is hanging out more and more. He's meet Wrath so he isn't confused about it anymore. Depression hasn't come back since our last 'conversation' so it must've been a good and bad sign so I tried not to lean onto it too much. Remus and Janus come over every now and then so they didn't leave us for good thankfully. My relationship with Roman has gotten better when I've told him the truth about it. He said didn't even know how his anger blacked out on him like someone else was in control. It's been great so far. Tonight we're going out of Thomas's mind for a date while Thomas brings the others with him so we could be alone. Or so I thought. I picked out an outfit that I basically always wore. I grabbed my bag and went downstairs but that's when Remus and Wrath stood in front of me blocking my way.

"Do you really think you're going to wear that to your anniversary date?"

"What's wrong with it?"

"We have a better outfit emo," Remus said dragging me to my closet.

He opens my closet to find my array of clothing that I own and starts looking for something.

"Is there anything decent in here?!" He said.

"Remus move you don't know anything about decent!" Wrath said shoving him out.

He soon took out a black leather jacket and ripped jeans.

"Change into this but leave the undershirt on."

I snapped my fingers since I was running out of time. Then I was in the outfit. I shook my head not liking the jacket. I snapped again and then I was in a purple hoodie with a black shirt on.

"They're happy now cause there is nothing better."

"Fine. Just make sure you use deodorant and not eat it as Remus does-"

"For the record, it's really good!"

"For the record who asked?" I said.

Remus huffed but didn't take too much offense to it.

"Alright now get going!"

Wrath shoved me out and wished me good luck on our date. I don't know why they're acting like this so I felt like something was going to happen tonight. It wasn't just something. I met Roman downstairs looking nervous and Emile and Remy trying to comfort him.

"Hey, it's going to be alright Roman he loves you no matter what."

"I know but- Virgil hey bud! I-I umm."

"Hey, guys is everything ok?"

"Yup just nothing to see here! I need your umm...advice?" Remy said blocking the two from my view.

Remy was acting strange. This wasn't good.

"You need my advice?" I asked getting suspicious.

"Yeah, umm on the best coffee flavor. You know."

As he said this I noticed that were somewhat away from Roman and Emile.

"Remy? Where are we going?"

"To be honest with you Roman isn't 'ready' yet so you're with me for the time being, babe."

"Yeah, you're acting weird- No second that you all are acting strange. Tell me what's going on?"

"Virgil, listen to me everything's fine. Ease up a bit!"


It's like he forgot that I was Thomas's anxiety or something. At the same time, he's in his sleep so that had to explain something.

"Besides babes, you and I haven't hung out in like what a month?"

"You want to get coffee don't you?"

"Yeah, you look like you need some too."

"Yeah, I could get some for a bit just for a few minutes, and then I'm done."

"Got it."

We went to get ourselves some coffee. This was strange...

~time skip~

Remy and I were just talking before I got pulled into reality with the main four.

"So you guys ready to go?"



"Yes." Roman and I said in unison.

I blushed slightly as I looked away.

"Alright! I'll be with Nico which means you're free to do anything you want!" Thomas said cheerfully.

~Time skip by Roman finally gets his own jam~

It was dark and we were still at the beach. At this time we were out of eating dinner at a nearby restaurant. We talked about various topics all at random. It didn't matter what we were talking about it was always entertaining. Either watching Patton's spontaneous moments or seeing Roman make a food pun just to annoy Roman. I left the booth and went outside on the balcony. Looking out at the night. It was always beautiful this time of day as it flashes to the night. Simply breathtaking if you ask me.

"Hey, Virgil? Can I ask you something?" Roman said behind me.

I turned around and saw him. He looked nervous. I've never seen him like that.

"Go ahead. Are you ok? You look nervous."

"I just-" He got on one knee and grabbed something from his pocket. It was a small box. He opened it up and I saw a ring in there. "Will you marry me, Virgil Sanders?"

It was a diamond ring that sat in the case. My face turned red as I saw his adorable face so nervous for my answer. I gulped and remembered the happiest memories that we had. I couldn't imagine my life without him. Sure things were hard at first but he's changed. We both did.

"Yes. I accept."

"Really! Thank you, Virgil!"

He got up stumbling in the process and kissed me on the cheek then hugged me tightly happy that I said yes.

"No, thank you. My prince."

"Scars and all my love."

"Scars and all."

We then kissed passionately under the stars I let him lead this time. We broke for air soon after and looked into each other's sparkling eyes. In the end, it was all worth it in the end.

(A//n: Ehehehe. You don't get to see the wedding :) Thanks for reading this mess. This is really one of the old drafts that I decided to finish off on a good note so thanks for reading I guess. This is like the third one I completed so yeah)

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