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crubyyy gave me this idea, thank you for thiss.

Damon with kids :)


Anna's pov

There are loopholes in every magic spell and vampires are basically filled with magic. I was happy when Bonnie told me about how because of some loophole I got pregnant with Damon's kids. I'm going too say this again and when I say I was happy I really really was. I still am but with pregnancy comes horrible and disgusting nausea and fatigue. I would run to the bathroom at the most random times to puke out whosever blood I had drank. 

Let me just back up a bit. Ok so. 

It was a bright summer morning, Damon was sleeping behind me his warm breath hitting my shoulder. I didn't have a restless sleep, I mean I did sleep like a log, but as soon as my eyes opened my stomach turned. I remember running out of Damon's arms and fell to my knees in front of the toilet puking out blood. Obviously Damon woke up as well and was soon crouching behind me holding my hair back. At that time the thought of me being pregnant did not cross my mind because I'm a vampire and vampires don't get pregnant. So, I just assumed that it was bad batch of blood or something. But then I proceeded to puke my gut out three more times in the same day. 

But I was dumb enough to not think about me being pregnant. Why? Because vampires don't get pregnant. And a week later when I was lazing around on the couch Damon walks in through the front door and then he keeps quiet for a while before asking me if I could hear a heartbeat. That's when I realised that I might be pregnant. But when we went to Mystic Falls Medical and did an ultrasound we realised that we were having two babies. Twins. I was happy, Damon was happy and everyone was happy. Bonnie did help us figure out how and apparently it was because of some loophole in the blood I drank before I died and the blood I drank to complete my transition.

Ok so now let's come back to the present.

"You can do it Anna." Damon softly told me as he brushed my sweaty hair away from my forehead. "Damon this is way harder than how the MOM'S Magazine describes it to be!" I tell him angrily. Today the 25th of October, I woke up with a sharp cramp in my lower abdomen. I remember waking Damon up and after a short while my water broke and now here we are in Mystic Falls Medical. So the next hour consisted of me shouting at Damon telling him I hate him and panicking as I had the first baby. A baby boy with his eyes closed and dark black hair all wet and sticky as he was taken away from me.  

Damon held onto my hand cooing at me and allowing me to shout at him as I had my other baby, a girl. I had passed out after that and couldn't see my babies till I woke up after getting some much needed rest.

The nurse rolled in two cribs and gave me my baby girl to hold her. She was asleep too, her little tiny hand in a small fist and her eyes closed. She had dark hair just like her brother who was being held by Damon. I held her against my chest, my hand covering her small head as tears filled my eyes. Damon came over to my side holding the baby boy. "They are both so beautiful." Damon whispers to me leaning his head on mine.


Damon's pov

Oliver Salvatore was two and a half kilograms with black hair and big brown eyes and Lily Salvatore was also two and a half kilograms with back hair and bright blue eyes. I did cry when the both of them were born. Never once did I think I would be a father, let alone be a good one. But Anna had told me time and time again that we would work together to be the best parents.

Anna had fallen asleep after feeding them and Stefan was holding Oliver while I held Lily. I supported Lily in one arm as my other hand stroked her cheek. A muffled sound fell from her lips and her face scrunched up. She caught my finger in her hand and tightly held onto it looking up at me curiosity filling her eyes.

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