Chapter IV

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Legolas's pov

I finally reach Rivendell before I completely collapse.

I rode my horse for multiple days, simply trying to keep myself from falling off the horse. I couldn't see very clearly, which was okay since we didn't run into any threats.

When we reach Rivendell, the guards had no problems letting us in. We rode in until we reach the castle when the stables were finally in sight.

I slide of my horse, barely landing on my feet. I lean in my horse as a handful of elves come to aid. They were talking to me but I honestly couldn't hear what they were saying. I couldn't see anything before my body seems to loose all the energy in it.

_A couple hours later_

I wake up feeling a lot better than before. I was in a room I recognized as simply one of the medic rooms in Elrond's castle. My body was weak, but I found myself in much better condition than before.

I sit up to notice Elrond. He was standing over by the entrance, talking to another elf. I couldn't tell what they were saying, but at the moment I didn't care.

Elrond nods the the elf, who leaves down the hall. Elrond then turns to me, walking towards the bed I currently laid on.

"Feeling better?" He asks.

I nod. "Much, but I don't understand what happened."

"We don't know much either. We were hoping you could tell us."

I shake my head. "I remember reaching Gundabad... fighting some orcs... I found the crown." I reach for my pack, which normally rested at my side. My eyes open wider when I realize it wasn't there.

"We already got it." He sits down at a chair beside my bed. "But what happened after that? You collapsed as soon as you reached town. You didn't seemed to be injured, other than a scrape on you head."

I feel my head, finding a little sore on the back of my head. It seemed to be a simple scratch.

"I was riding back, trying to keep myself from collapsing." I say.

Elrond nods. "I talked to Galdriel about your condition, and she couldn't find anything to claim it as."

"I think I am fine." I finally tell him, which makes him look at me with concern.

"I still don't think it is normal for you to collapse suddenly like that."

I swing my legs off the bed, touching the cold floor with my bare feet. I realized I was in a light pair of what I would call pajamas. My gear was on a bench not too far away from the door. I see my bow and quiver sitting there, as if they were ready to jump into another adventure.

"I am seriously okay." I say again, trying to convince the never changing mind of Elrond's. He just continued to stand there.

"Alright then. Let me talk to Galdriel and see if there is anything she would want you to do."

I nod as he leaves the room. I know that he wasn't convinced, but I was ready to leave on another adventure.

I never liked staying in the same place for a long time.

_A couple hours later_

I walked out to the garden. The rain that had been pouring the last few hours has finally come to a stop. The trees still dripped some of the essence of the shower, but it only seemed to make the garden more beautiful.

I sit down on a bench that was surrounded by oak trees. My hair catches a lot of the water from the oak trees, but I don't mind it. I had on my traveling gear and was ready to hear back from Elrond.

I sat there for a while, running through my head the events of the last few days. I didn't fully understand the incident with the ghost when I entered Gundabad, and I honestly don't know what my mom's intention was telling me to be okay with going back to Mirkwood.

Does she even know why I left, not to return?

I hear footsteps that grab my attention. I see Galdriel and Elrond walking towards me. I stand up for their approach and bow respectfully when they come to a stop.

"You decided to come out here in the rain?" Elrond asks.

"I thought it felt nice." I answer.

Elrond nods as Galdriel speaks up.

"I want to ask you of the events of the past few days." She solemnly says.

I nod as we take seats facing in a generalized circle. Elrond doesn't take his eyes off of me, but my eyes dart around the garden.

"What happened on your way to Gundabad?" Galdriel questions.

"Nothing besides the occasional orc I defeated with no problem." I answer.

"What about when you got there?"

I sigh, rubbing my chilled hands together. I then recall my experience with the ghost and the orcs at the end. I was careful to leave out the whole talk with my mom, for I wasn't ready to explain that turn of events. I also explain the sudden exhaust I got when I was leaving.

The two exchange looks during my narration, but at no times did they interrupt me. I look at both of them as they whisper between themselves for a short time. After that, they both turn to me.

"We have an idea." Elrond says. "I know you wish to go back on another adventure."

"More than anything." I reply.

"But both me and Galdriel have concerns for you with this new problem we have. You were showing strange symptoms when you reached here and we didn't see it as a common injury. We want to keep watch on you."

I almost had to bite my tongue to not reject what he was saying. I knew it would be rude of me so I keep my mouth shut, which breaks with Galdriel's next statement.

"This is why we are sending you with a group of elves to protect Mirkwood."

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