Chapter 19- Repentance and Rage

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She knew he was drunk, but his words hurt more than she would care to admit. That was why she sat in the room where she suffered so much abuse. The insults thrown at her by her long-dead father whirled around in her head, murmuring them to herself. Julia laughed bitterly at her self-deprecation. She was so absorbed in her self-loathing that she didn't hear the front door unlock. She didn't hear light footsteps descending to her hiding place. Ironically her place of solace.

It was only when the door opened, and light flooded in, that she looked up. Julia saw the silhouette of the man who had given her such great joy, but also heartache.

Severus flicked on the light switch and saw what a mess she was. Her hair was strewn over her face, and the shaking of her small frame made him feel physically ill. It also made his heart break.

"Lia." He croaked, tears filling his eyes.

She said nothing, but looked down at her arms. She began to scratch at her skin until red lines rose up angrily.

Severus' eyes widened, and he sprinted to still her hands.

"Lee, stop! Why are you doing this to yourself?" He begged, struggling to clasp her hands.

"Because I am a freak, and I don't deserve to be normal. I deserve this." Her voiced cracked.

"No, no no, sweet Lia. You don't deserve this, any of this! Come home, please?" The tears that had been threatening to escape finally fell down his cheeks. His head fell as he sobbed.

"Don't cry, Nosy." She said in a barely audible whisper, prodding his nose that inspired the nickname.

He lifted his head, and Julia tentatively stroked his face with her thumb.

"I'll come back. Just tell me you didn't mean it."

"I didn't mean it. Lia, you are perfect to me. You make me whole, and I can't imagine a world where I don't have you. I had to live without you for four years. They were the worst four years of my life. I need you, Julia. Please come home. I'm so sorry."

Julia wrapped her arms around his strong frame, her spindly arms lost in the sea of black. He pulled away quickly, though.

Severus slipped his wand out from his sleeve, and cast many healing charms. The angry marks vanished as if they had never been there.

He stood up and held out his hand once he had finished. Julia took it without hesitation and they Apparated back to Hogwarts.

Upon arrival, Julia felt very weak, and it took all of her determination not to collapse there and then. Unbeknownst to Severus, she hadn't eaten since breakfast the day before and even then it hadn't been that much.

"Julie, you look very pale, are you alright?" Severus asked, noticing the state of his girlfriend.

"Fine," she muttered, teeth clenched. "Just peachy."

Without warning, Severus swept her off her feet, bridal style, and carried her back to the castle.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"You're lying. You said you were fine, but you were doing the thing with the button. I knew you weren't fine just by looking at you. I wasn't about to let you faint, was I?" He explained like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "What you need now is a good meal."

Julia nodded, and fell asleep, strangely contented in his arms.


A whispered argument between Severus and Minerva woke Julia from her sleepy haze.

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