"I have a press conference on next Friday, followed by a company get-together" Hongjoong announced. "I would like to take you all out on that day" he said and looked around the table.

"Is this a suggestion or a suggestion?" Yeosang asked and lifted his brow. "Sounds like it's final already, why ask us?" he rolled his eyes.

"Do we have to sit still with old man again?" San groaned and poked his food. "That's so boring"

"You're right, it's a suggestion." Hongjoong replied and took a bite. "Come, it's one night a year. I think we can all behave for three hours?"

"You can't behave for three hours. You always go missing with Papa whenever he wears a suit to these get-togethers" Yunho snorted from the head of the table.

"young man-" Hongjoong started but Seonghwa laid his hand on his arm, cutting him off.

"Since when do we talk so impudently?" Seonghwa rose his brow at his oldest. "It's fine when you say this inside this house, don't do it outside"

Yunho rolled his eyes and huffed instead. There was a death silence spreading around the dining table.

"This is important, Yunho. You can't go around telling things that happen in this house and between us as a family so lightheartedly"

Then, Yunho snapped. "Oh right! Because unfortunately my parents are famous and I can't have a normal life! Because every other person crossing my path is either a crazy sasaeng or paparazzi!" the teenager yelled and stood up. "Because damn I can't even go outside whenever I want to- or bring friends home- if I had any that is!"

"Yunho-" Seonghwa tried but the boy was fast up the stairs, leaving his half-finished dinner. "Yunho!" he yelled, then heard the bedroom door getting slammed into the door lock.

"Looks like I'll be sleeping on the couch again" Mingi sighed and continued his dinner, shrugging his shoulders.


Hongjoong climbed the stairs up after turning off the lights downstairs. His hands were holding a plate of fruits, freshly cut. He walked towards the last children's bedroom, meeting Mingi in front of the door. The boy had his blanket wrapped over his head and hugged his pillow. "What are you doing here, Mingi?"

"Got kicked out" the boy sighed and looked up at his Dad. "Do you feel like this too, when Papa kicks you out to sleep on the couch?" he asked, face barely shown. He was completely drowned in the blanket.

Hongjoong chuckled dryly. "Yeah... Rough times buddy, huh?" he replied and patted the blanket burrito. Hongjoong took an apple slice and stuffed it in Mingi's mouth. "come, I'm sure Wooyoung and Jongho let you sleep in their room tonight" he laughed.

He saw Mingi nod and waddle to the direction of the room right at the other end of the corridor. He was doing quite well but the stepped in the blanket and fell face-first. "I'm okay!" Mingi said, voice a little muffled. Hongjoong watched how the ball of fluff rolled himself up on his feet again and waddled the few steps over to the youngest's bedroom. It was so cute, he cooed after him.

When Mingi was taken care of, Hongjoong turned to his actual intention. The man took a deep breath and knocked. "Yunho?" he asked and waited for the answer which never came. "Yunho I wanted to talk to you" he sighed and knocked again. "I brought fruits-"

"What if I don't want to talk?" Yunho responded from the other side. "You can't bribe me with fruit, Dad. I'm not ten anymore"

"Unfortunately" Hongjoong sighed and sat down in front of the door. "Well, then I am going to talk and eat fruits alone, right here" he said and ate another sliced apple. There was a moment of silence before the man started talking. "You know, Yunho... I also don't think this is fair. Because you're just a kid, you have nothing to do with this" he sighed "I don't think it's fair that you have to adapt to this too, I really don't. And if I could change it, I would, Yunho. Because I am father first and I love you" Hongjoong munched another fruit "But I can't. There is one thing I can do, and that is sign you in a private school, Yunho. But if will just make this gap bigger. You're right, it's not fair that you can't bring all your friends over, it's not fair that I can't let you go out late with your friends, just because your Papa and I famous... I would love to give you the same childhood your Papa had, full with friends and going out, with spontaneous adventures and mistakes. But I can't big boy. For your safety, I can't. This is the only thing I can't give you, Yunho" Hongjoong said and quietly listened if something inside happened. "And you're right, your Dad isn't the best, I can't even give you a normal life. You're right to be mad at me"

A click echoed and the door incfront of him opened agape. "You look dumb sitting there" Yunho mumbled and took the plate with cut fruit. He returned to his room, leaving the door open for his father. "I didn't want to yell earlier..." he added quietly and plumped into the bean bag seat across from his console. "but you're right. It's unfair" he said and sighed, munching the fruit. "I know that I can't be like the other kids... I never was, me and my humongous head" he snickered with a slight taste of sadness. "It's fine though. At least I have a dad, you know? I even have two" he laughed and turned on his console. Yunho looked up to Hongjoong standing behind him, watching him prideful. "Want to play a round with me?"

"I'm so proud of you, Yunho" Hongjoong said and sat in the other bean bag. "Yeah... I would love to play with you"

Hey! How are you?

Ahhh you ever go like, yeah I'm seven months pregnant🤰✨ after watching Seonghwa rap on loop? No? Just me?😃

I can't, please, this man and the audacity like bitch can I live? Can I fucking live?

I want him to rap so much more but on the other side I'm hella sad as we got this served because my baby Mingi is on rest:')

Ahh other than that, my cousin finally enlisted in the military and started his service man😂 yall this bitch was running from it for 8 fricking years when I tell you the level of living on the edge that shit was✨

Like whenever we were on vacation and passed a police car, outta nowhere my alcoholic and gambling cousin was religious and praying that he wouldn't get caught💀😭

Uhgg, I finally finished preparing my oral final exam in English today! It's like a crash course into the lgbtq+ community because I only have like 10 minutes, so I had to cut it short.

Anyway, my dad saw my title page while I was doing the PowerPoint and was like: Lgbtq?... Do you even know what that is?

Me, a closeted bisexual in a identity crisis,:... Do you?👁️👄👁️

Y'all my dad is a right-leaning, conservative middle eastern man. The discussion was... ✨spicy✨ and quite ✨voiceful✨

Ah yes, and then there is my granny, saying that she won't be seeing me graduate this year, and that I should keep her grave pretty

And I'm like bitch say sike rn say sike rn👁️👄👁️💧

Man I haven't written a long note in a while😗

But that's it tho.

Stay healthy and save, and please alive yall yeh granny I'm talking to you-


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