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The next day they went to the moon temple to examine it a little bit. They found themselves at an underground grave. After the enemy left they went in to see what they're hiding inside here. Gray couldn't believe what he is seeing. "What is Deliora doing here?" After he revealed the shocking truth about his past they waited to find out what they are planning to do with Deliora. As it turns night a purple substance is raining down on Deliora cracking open the ice. They run up to see what on earth caused this purple rain and who was so dumb as to free a demon. At the top of the mountain were people performing a ritual. Turns out that the leader is an old friend of Gray. He demands his two servants to destroy the village the people are living in. He then freezes Natsu with Lucy together and they fall down the temple into the forest. Zeref wanted to burn that guy but Gray stopped him saying that they need to get to the village and protect it. Much to Zeref's dismay Gray was right. He flew with Mavis Lucky and Happy back to the village. Gray was now facing Lyon as he demanded answers.

"Isn't it obvious I'm trying to awake Deliora to take it down. It was your fault that It is death now. If I can't surpass her then the least I could do is to defeat the Monster she couldn't.'

Gray didn't plan on fighting him he just wanted to get enough answers and time. "Our time to fight will soon come." With that Gray went to the village.

Natsu and Lucy rolled all the way down. Going up would be pointless now so they decided to head back to the village. While doing so they talked about various things. They arrive at the village. "We were slow because of that Ice but I thought the battle already began." Lucy agreed

"Natsu how about you heat yourself up a little it looks cold in there." Zeref didn't bother letting Natsu answer he just broke the ice with his Fire. "Like this." They both started smirking.

"Hate to ruin your moment but where is the enemy? They should have been way ahead of us." Mavis agreed with that. She started thinking. Maybe they didn't really plan on attacking this village and they just planned to get us off the temple. That would be a good plan but Mavis doubts that they would come up with such a plan. So what else are they planning. "Look up there is a giant rat?"

Up in the sky were two of Lyons people on top of a flying rat. The rat held an bucket in her hand. Then some green liquid fell down. Just a drop. Lucy and Mavis looked up to see it falling in their direction. "what is that?" Before it could touch either of them Natsu and Zeref jumped in saving them. The drop landed on the ground melting the part it landed on. It was acid. They're trying to wipe out the city and it's people. The rat then threw the whole liquid with the bucket down. Natsu and Zeref look at eachother having the same thought. They can't save the village now but they can save the people. "Fire Dragon brilliant Flame usion". They shot a usion of black and red flames right at the acid parting it. It spreader around them and no villager was hurt but the village was no longer there. "Let's get the people out if here Lucy."

Mavis and Lucy lead the people inside the forest to keep them out of harm's way. Apparently they had an emergency village around the corner. Mavis and Lucy then head back after they made sure that everyone was save.

As they returned they saw two man approaching Natsu and Zeref. One with purple hair and bushy eyebrows the other shirtless with a dog like face. Lucy wanted to run to them helping them. "Wait Lucy. Where is the girl with pink hair and the rat?" Lucy was confused. A girl with pink hair? Mavis saw her confusion. "On the rat where 3 people. Two of them are standing Infront of Natsu and Zeref. The third person was a girl with pink hair." They looked around until the rat appeared behind them grabbing both of them. "I'm going to deal with the both of you." The pink haired person was on top of the rat laughing. Natsu and Zeref both saw how the rat grabbed Lucy and Mavis flying off. They look at their cats. "Happy" "Lucky" both cats nod. "Aye Sir" "Got it" The cats flew after Lucy and Mavis.

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