"I know what Trask has done, but killing him will not bring them back." Charles told her allowing his eyes to make contact with Raven's, "It will set you on a path, which there is no return."

"And in this cycle... you'll be killing us." Izel said, being able to use Charles' mutation to communicate with her as well, "You'll kill every mutant until there is nothing left of our race."

"But we can stop this, you and I." Charles urged, "You just have to come home."

"I have to." Raven was almost moved by their words, "You haven't changed at all, Charles. Like I said, I know exactly what I have to do." She started to walk closer to them, "And stooping so low to create an illusion of Beth..."

Izel released Charles' hand the moment Raven walked away, she shut her eyes and sighed heavily. While Charles pulled the helmet off of his head, tears forming in his eyes.

"Where is she?"

"She's in an airport." Charles ran a hand down his face, "Boarding a plane."

Izel blinked a few times at his words, "A plane to where?"

"Washington DC."

Henry looks between them as something clicks in his head, "Hey, guys, there's something I need to show you."

"Show the way." Izel lifted her hands in the air and followed closely behind Henry.

Charles rolled in his chair after them, his eyes falling on Izel's hand. To feel her hand in his, how well they fit together. Even when it was only to find Raven, he wanted to be able to hold those hands again in his.

"I set the system I designed to record any news about Paris. Over all three networks and PBS."

"All three." Logan crossed his arms and whistled, "Wow."

Izel pinched his arm at his sarcastic comment, not particularly finding it as any use to the conversation.

"Yeah..." Henry cocks an eyebrow up, not entirely getting why Logan was being like that, "And PBS." He shrugged his shoulders, "Look at what I found."

The monitor flashed on, "Tomorrow in front of the white house, the President will make his announcement. He will be joined by secretary of defense, and has even sought the help of the renowned scientist Bolivar Trask. His special advisor to combat this mutant issue. The white house has asked-" Henry paused the monitor before it could continue to reveal what would be happened tomorrow.

Charles moved his hand from his face but his eyes stayed on the empty screen, "Raven doesn't realize that if she kills Trask at an event like that with the world watching..."

Izel released a long sigh, leaning her body against Henry's equipment, "Then we came a long way for nothing."

"And there is more bad news." Henry continues, watching as Izel puffs her cheeks out, "I saw on a report that they found traces of her blood in Paris. For all we know, they already have her DNA. She's all they need-"

"To create the sentinels of the future," Logan concludes.

"Well, there is a theory in quantum physics that time is immutable, it's like a river. You can throw a pebble into it, create a ripple, but the current always corrects itself. No matter what you do the river... the river just keeps flowing in the same direction."

"Henry..." Izel whispers, she knew this theory and was not exactly pleased to be thinking about it.

Logan, on the other hand, was absolutely confused and didn't get it, "What are you trying to say?"

The Past Comes Rushing Back | Charles XavierWhere stories live. Discover now