☃️🎄❄️Reunion - Christmas Special❄️🎄☃️

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They stood there for a few seconds, before getting noticed by their Rainbow coloured friend.
"Sabre!? Lucas?!" He yelled out, which caused the other three to turn their attention to the players standing there as well.

Rainbow Steve ran up to them and pulled them into a hug, and they instantly hugged back. "Hey, Rainbow." Sabre said, and Rainbow whimpered slightly, pulling away. "A-Are you staying.?" He asked, and the two players glanced at each other before smiling. "Yes." They said in unison, and Rainbow hugged them again.
"Merry Christmas." Lucas muttered, and the multicoloured Steve giggled. "Merry Christmas!" He replied happily, breaking the hug and taking a few steps back.

Sabre was about to speak, but was cut off by almost being knocked over when he was hugged by Galaxy Steve and Alex. He laughed and quickly hugged back. "Hey guys. Merry Christmas." Sabre told them cheerfully, and they both laughed. "Merry Christmas." Alex replied, pulling away from the hug. "Merry Christmas Sabre." Galaxy Steve responded after Alex, pulling away as well.

The Overseer walked over, giving Sabre a quick hug, before pulling away. "Who are you?" Galaxy Steve asks, looking at the blonde who was being hugged by Rainbow Steve. "I'm Lucas, I used to be on the server before I had to leave." He replied, and the other three nodded.

"When were you in this world?" Alex asked curiously. "This'll probably mean nothing to you, but I joined around the time of Nightmare Steve and the Nightmare dimension, and I was here for a while helping out. I left- Wait, when did I leave?" He explained, glancing at Sabre when he asked the last part. "You left before we discovered Faceless, because you were with us for discovering the Catacombs." Sabre finished, and Alex was pretty surprised.
"You- You were here for a long time then.." She muttered in surprise and Lucas nods.

"Wait.." Rainbow Steve mumbled as he stood still for a moment. He suddenly smiled widely and laughed. "The Steve Saga trio is back together!" He yelled happily, Sabre and Lucas laughing at his excitement, yet also feeling excitement run through them. "After so long, we, the official Steve Saga trio are back together!" Sabre said happily, and Lucas chuckled. "It seems so."

"Sorry to interrupt your excitement, but what do you mean by that?" The Overseer asked, confused. "Oh uhm- Sabre do they know about the YouTube thing?" Lucas asked, and Sabre nodded. "They know, yeah. Galaxy Steve understands it better than the other two though, since he's also had a channel."

Alex and the Overseer nodded at Sabre's statement, and Galaxy Steve smiled. "Okay, so basically, we are the official Steve Saga trio. On YouTube, when we all had channels that we used at the time of the Rainbow Town, we all uploaded videos from our own perspectives of what we did in this world. We ended up referring the series about this world as the Steve Saga, so therefore we became the Steve Saga trio." The blonde explained as best as he could, and although Alex and the Overseer looked a little confused, they all smiled. "Sounds awesome!" Alex complimented, and Rainbow Steve practically beamed at that.

"So, wanna go and blast Christmas songs to the village?" Galaxy Steve asks, and Lucas smirks. "Count me in." He replied, and they run off the the Overseer's house. "Wait!-" The Overseer yells, running after them when he processes what they're doing.

"Hey Sabre?" Rainbow Steve grabs the brunette's attention. "Hm?"

Rainbow Steve suddenly flies up a few blocks, and holds up his hand, a small amount of water floating over it. Sabre gasps, but smiles. "You have your powers back!" He shouts excitedly, and Rainbow Steve jumps down and hugs him. "Yep! Thank Alex for that!" He replied happily, and Alex giggles.
Sabre walks over to Alex and hugs her, the ginger hugging back. "Thank you.." Sabre muttered, sincerity coating his voice. Alex smiles. "Of course." She replied, and they both break the hug.

"Huh?" Rainbow Steve said, looking up at the sky. Small white flakes started falling down and everyone looks up. "Snow!" The multicoloured Steve exclaimed excitedly, and Sabre smiles softly.

Not even a minute later, they heard Christmas songs start playing loudly. "Ah, right.." Sabre said, but shrugged it off when something cold hit him. He looked to his right to see Rainbow Steve scrambling away from him. "Oh no you don't!" Sabre yelled playfully, grabbing a handful of snow and running after him.

Alex laughed at their actions, and soon heard the Overseer laughing along with her. "They are really just children, huh?" He asked jokingly, and Alex giggled. "Yeah, I guess so."


Thank you FavreMyOrange for this amazing request!

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter :D

This is posted on December 24th, so I hope everyone has an amazing Christmas Eve and a wonderful Christmas!
To everyone celebrating Christmas on the 24th (today) I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas today!

To anyone reading this before/after Christmas, I hope you have an amazing day/night and I'll see you in the next chapter!
(Next chapter will be posted on December 28th for anyone wondering XD)


Word Count: 1416

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