HOLIDAY AU SPECIAL: The Giant's Little Mate

Start from the beginning

In very rare cases, an alpha or an omega could be a dominant or recessive.

A dominant was an upgraded version of its secondary gender. A dominant alpha was an alpha of the alphas, they were stronger, more dominant, and more powerful. 

A recessive was the opposite. It was a half-baked version of its secondary gender. A recessive alpha was a half-baked alpha who had lesser qualities of being an alpha— it was a downgrade version. A recessive omega was the same too. It was basically a half-baked omega. It had weaker heats, and had fewer chances of being impregnated.

But the world does not care for recessives. In fact, it valued the dominants.

And Ushijima Wakatoshi was made known of his responsibilities of being one at such an early age.

For as early as he could remember, Ushijima Wakatoshi did not struggle in the underground world. It even seemed as if he belonged there from the way he first arrived there. From the way his fist beats anyone on his way or the way he draws his blade fearlessly against any potential opponent.

His first kill came so naturally that it was even fear-inducing. And his strength and pheromones as a dominant alpha attracted fellow alphas, loyal betas and especially omegas.

Those feeble Omegas always rush to their feet once they catch a single whiff of his pheromones and he had always been so polite to take care of them, even having a normal recessive omega as a lover in the past.

But he treated omegas in general as troublesome. Those weak, little things were troublesome. Especially if they were in heat

Every month, an omega would be in heat for a duration of a week. And they were troublesome little things if they're in heat. They secrete a heavy scent, mainly consisting of their pheromones. And the scent has an aphrodisiac effect which could induce any alpha to mate with them.

Heats were a natural thing for omegas whose bodies were made for the primary purpose of being taken and breeding. An omega who takes an alpha's seed in her heat has a hundred percent chance of being pregnant. And the aphrodisiac effect of their heat was something they themselves could not fight. To add, they also have self-lubricating bodies when in heat. Regardless of whether they fight it or not, fate ultimately doesn't give them a chance to fight back.

That was the sad reality for these omegas. Stripped of any reason, they were ready to take any alpha as long as their heat was relieved.

And it was worse if they're before him. A dominant alpha like him, after all, was different. 

The Little and the Giant (Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now