Chapter 1

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Ryujin's POV

Blinking groggily, I couldn't help the groan that escapes my lips as the sunlight hits my face. I could only squint against the ray of light, for a second, captivating me with its beauty before a realization hit me.

'Mornings', I could only let out another groan as I bury my face on the pillow, my mood already deteriorating.

Determined to get up, I slowly maneuvered myself out of her grasps and sat on the edge of my bed, readying myself for a meeting with my Father.

Sigh. Knowing that we're gonna discuss the same matter, again and again. I despise the idea of me being an heir.

Shaking those thoughts away, my gaze wanders around my room before landing on a frame on my nightstand, a picture of me with my younger sister, Yuna. Keeping my gaze on the portrait, my mind couldn't help but linger on the conversation that I had with my father.

"Dad, I can't do this, okay? You know me, I don't have the mind to handle our business," I nervously said, declining his offer.

I stood in front of my father's desk after receiving an 'emergency call' from him saying to come to his office, it's very urgent. With his usual stoic face, He fixes his gaze on my form from his desk.

 His stance was firm, leaving no doubt that any opposition to whatever would come out of his mouth next would not be accepted

'Here we go again,' I mentally groaned, already knowing what would come next.

Desiring You [Submissive #1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora