№38|What Did You Do?!

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Katya glanced up at her mate, a weary look plastered his face. “He seems like a nice young wolf, Endar, let’s take him.”

“Alright, but if he lays a finger on you I’ll-” Before Endar could continue, Katya slapped his chest playfully.

“Oh shut up.” Katya rolled his eyes. “I’m gonna meet the wolf, you stay here.”

With that, Katya smiled as she walked off. Medusa smiled as Endar signed the papers. “You better be right about this, Medusa…”

“I am. I have a sixth sense about these things.” Medusa patted his shoulder. “You made the right call.”

Medusa flipped to the next page. “Oh! Olly!” Medusa perked up as she placed her fingers on the image of a beautiful female woman with long garnet hair and shiny hazel eyes. “This is Ibani. In her last pack she was the best fighter, she was also Head Delta and her mother was a witch so she has powers!”

“Powers?” Olly’s interest peaked. “Hm… like what?”

“Well, she said she only uses her telekinesis because she uses her wolf attributes most of the time.” Medusa explained.

“What happened to her last pack?” Giselle asked.

“Her pack burned down, and she has a huge fear of fire so she ran out and never came back. Since then she’s been a lost wolf. She tried to contact them this morning, but they didn’t want to speak to her…” Medusa frowned, “she just really needs a new start… a new home. One that won’t burn down.”

Giselle looked down at the file. “I think I met her this afternoon. She is a great delta. A little on the testy side, but great nonetheless. She’d be a perfect match for the new Omega we got… what’s his name… oh! Yae!”

“Yae? The scared little thing?” Olly chuckled. “Honey, they’re completely opposite.”

“Trust me, those two are gonna be great together.” Giselle smiled widely as she signed the paper.

“I still don’t like the idea of accepting rogues and lost wolves into our pack.” Dayo muttered, stroking Dechen’s hair as she rested on his lap.

“I’m sure you’re gonna like this one, though,” Medusa flipped to the next file, “his name is Xavier Falls. He was deemed a rogue due to him being in the wolf fighting scene, which was weird cause last time I checked didn’t wolves like fighting?”

“We like play fighting, and sometimes real fighting if it’s deemed worthy, but what Xavier was doing was like dog fighting or street fighting, which wolves highly frown upon.” Barron explained.

“Ooh,” Medusa pulled out her recorder, “note to self; wolves don’t like street fights.”

“She loves that recorder and notebook huh?” Olly chuckled, nudging Barron’s side.

“Sometimes I think she loves it more than me.” Barron laughed.

“Sometimes I do.” Medusa smiled, winking at him. “Anyways! The reason I brought up Xavier is that not only is he an excellent fighter, his sense of smell is stronger than any wolf I’ve ever tested!! Which will come very handy when you’re on hunts.”

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