🌃 4 : Midnight Melody 🌃

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::복잡한 감정::

Juyeon bid farewell to his co-workers as they left. The cafe was now closed for the day and he was left behind since he's the one who'll close the cafe. Well, not really.

"I'll help you." One of his co-workers, Kevin, spoke up as Juyeon just nodded. He didn't mind, he knew the latter wouldn't disturb him in his train of thoughts as they fixed all the chairs and tables, tidying the place up.

"Yo dude, you look like your in very deep thoughts. Is there anything bothering you?" Kevin noticed, asking his friend who just shaked his head.

"I'm just tired... I really want to go home and rest, that's all." Juyeon lied as something did occupy his mind. Kevin didn't buy it, but he just dismissed and lightly chuckled, he knew his friend couldn't lie.

"Is it about the Eric guy?" Kevin asked which made Juyeon snap his neck as his head turned to Kevin with widened eyes.

"No! Well, kinda but I forgot about it, thanks for reminding me." Juyeon didn't even know why he got very defensive all of a sudden, earning more laughs from Kevin as he just rolled his eyes and ignored the other.

"Sure thing Juyeon~." Kevin teased. They finished tidying up as both were ready to leave. Grabbing their own stuff, Juyeon and Kevin made their exit and locked the place up.

Kevin said his farewell to Juyeon since he's headed at the other direction. Waving his hands, Juyeon bid farewell to the long haired latter.

Letting out a heavy sigh, he plugged his earphones in his phone and played a very chill playlist. Juyeon started to walk silently, his feet taking him to his house. Music enveloping his ears, the tall male hummed to the song playing.

His mind was still filled with thoughts, it made him feel confused since he didn't even know why his mind was occupied by Eric.

"I haven't even seen or met him yet, what's wrong with me?" Juyeon thought as he groaned, maybe he's just burdened about tomorrow since he'll guide the said man.

Thankfully, his house was not that far from where he works as he shortly arrived back home. Letting out a sigh of relief when he entered the house.

"Juyeon! You're back~." Juyeon turned to the voice that called his name. Smiling, he gave his mom a short hug before greeting back. Taking his shoes of, he entered the living room.

"Did you take your medications mom?" Juyeon asked as his mother just nodded with a smile, making Juyeon more relieved as he kissed her forehead.

"I prepared food, if you want to eat it's in the kitchen okay?" His mom sweetly informed him as he nodded, watching his mom go upstairs and enter her room.

Juyeon was quite hungry, so he headed straight towards the kitchen and heated the food his mother prepared for him. He changed into his more comfortable clothes as he discarded his uniform on the clothes bin. Returning to the kitchen, he sat down and waited for the food.

Checking his phone, he saw that their group chat was active. He took a look at what they were talking about.

Chanhee is a hoe
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