💗 11 | Love Fool 💗

296 15 4

::사랑의 금::

Eric arrived home safely. Checking the clock hanged on the hallway wall towards the living room, he saw that Hyunjae would be home by 12 minutes.

Thankfully, there weren't very much to do in the house but just clean a few spaces and tidy up. Not forgetting to blast some music, he was literally having a concert by himself using the broom in his hands as his mic and ths trash on the floor as his audience.

"So how was my performance guys?" Eric asked the bits of trash he collected in his dustpan.

"Nothing? Ugh y'all are a bunch of haters." Rolling his eyes, he pettily threw his so called "audience" in the dustbin, scoffing as he continue to clean around while dancing to Next Level by æspa. Seriously its a bop.

Just as Eric was to throw the last bit of trash in the dustbin, there was a knock heard from the door. Guessing that it was his brother. He swiftly turned his music off and returned the cleaning materials where they were before.

"Coming!" Eric shouted to notify the person who was still knocking infront of the door.

Eric swiftly opened the door and to his surprise, it wasn't Hyunjae, but a crusty ass looking woman who had a sloppy sexy get-up. Eric was taken aback as the woman was staring at him with a suspicious look.

"You better back off from him, or you'll regret why you even came out of your mother's pu-" Before the girl could even finished she was smacked in the head by someone with a binder. A thicc binder, giving the girl quite a sting.

"What the fuck?" The girl cussed as she turned around to see Hyunjae with a serious look on his face.

"You have 5 seconds to go meters away from this house or I'm dragging you to the middle of the highway." Hyunjae threatened the girl who flinched but then a smirk plastered her face as she moves too close.

"That's hot~" She giggled, making Eric and Hyunjae have a disgusted expression planted on their faces.

"Come closer and I'll whack you again with this binder hoe." Hyunjae threatened again which made the girl scoff before stomping off the property.

Hyunjae pulled Eric inside the house, catching Eric off-guard as his brother motioned him to the couch.

"Sohn Youngjae. Who the fuck was that skank and why was she talking to you like that?" Hyunjae asked in a stern voice that caught Eric off guard. Hearing his older brother saying his full name sent shivers down his bones.

"I-I don't know! It was my first time seeing her..." Eric answered as he sank deep on his thoughts. Then it hit him, it was the girl who demanded for Juyeon earlier.

"Oh really? It looked like she knew you very well though?" Hyunjae commented which Eric shook his head no in defense.

"For real! I don't know who she is!" Eric still defending himself, answering his brother with honesty as his eyes showed it. Sighing, Hyunjae let his younger brother go as he walked away, heading to his room to change.

"If the skank ever comes back again, let me know, okay?" Hyunjae told Eric to which the younger responded yes.

Eric was still in slight shock. The threat was playing on repeat in his mind.

Who is the "he" she was referring to? Regret? What are her motives?

His train of thoughts were cut off short when his phone rang. Seeing who it was in the caller's ID, he immediately answered the call.

"Hello hyung, why'd you call?" Eric asked as he walked towards his own room.

"Oh nothing, I just wanted to talk to you." Changmin responded with a giggle to which Eric found cute, bringing a smile on his face plus due to the fact Changmin thought of the younger.

"Huh? Aren't you still with your shift hyung?" Eric asked in suspicion.

"Yeah I am, but it ends in about half an hour so I'll be off shift soon. I'm just chilling here on the staff room but no one has to know right?" Changmin laughed and Eric too.

"Wow Changmin-hyung you're crazy. What if the other-" Eric was about to complete his sentence until shouting was heard from the other line. It sounded like Yena telling Changmin to go back and help. Changmin sighed as Eric laughed out loud.

"Well I gotta go cutie! Talk to you later!" Changmin quickly said before hanging up, not even letting Eric respond.

Wait. Did he just call me cutie? Eric thought as he slightly blushed. He rarely gets compliments and it was definitely new to him.

Eric looked dumb smiling like he was dazed. He was like that for a moment before he snapped out of it and continue to function properly again.

Seconds later after the call ended, he was sent a message.

Online Now •

Hey! Hoping to talk more to you soon. If you also need help, I'll be an assistance.

Ew omg he uses dots in texts. Eric mentally cringed but chuckled when he thought of it. He found it lowkey adorable.

tysm hyung! hoping to talk to you more as well lol
seen 16:09


Juyeon was hesitating on sending Eric a DM, but he just felt like doing it. Did he regret it? To be honest, no. He found the younger quite charming, and that charm is intriguing him...

Well, not only him, but 2 other people.

[ • × • ]

Oh right I have books to write PUH LEASE online classes suxx it eats my time too much for my liking LIKE HELLO CHILL ON THE SCHOOLWORKS PLEASE??? WE JUST WANNA CHILL IN THE MIDDLE OF A PANORAMA AND YET Y'ALL-

Anyways, Eric popular boi

👻 | TBC

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